
credibly adv.確實,由可靠方面。 I am credibly ...


In the testing , the monitoring system runs stably and credibly . it realizes monitoring the robot online , finishes recording and outputting the operation parameters which are important for thermal spray . the system provides the exact data for thermodynamics analysis and trustful foundation of the spray strategy 整個系統在測試過程中運行穩定可靠,實現了對噴涂機器人的監控,完成了對熱噴涂工藝至關重要的操作參數的紀錄和輸出,為熱噴涂的熱力學分析提供了精確的數據,也為噴涂策略的研究提供了依據。

The fault diagnosis for oil field compressor is not efficienct and not automatic , so a type of fault diagnosis system for oil field compressor is designed , the system is constructed by an expert system and a bp neural network , the expert knowledge and the numeric reasoning capacity of the neural network are applied to analyze the compressor fault . contrast to the old method , the system is automatic and diagnosises accurately and credibly 針對目前國內油田壓縮機故障診斷存在的效率低、自動化程度不高的問題,設計了一種基于bp神經網絡和專家系統的油田壓縮機故障診斷系統,利用專家先驗知識和神經網絡的數值推理、自學習能力,對油田壓縮機的故障進行分析處理,與以往油田壓縮機故障診斷方法相比,該系統自動化程度高,診斷可靠準確。

Qjyd3200 cut - type auto lift is the professinal lifting equipment for sallon car ' s maintenance and examining . it has the main characteristic of occupying small area , good security capability & has the feedback signal then descending fo the lift platform . it is also very simple to handle & working credibly . especially for the full hydraulic pressure working system , it is suitable for various situation & unnecessary to collocate the compress - air resource additionally D3200型剪式汽車舉升機是專供轎車維修、檢測時配置的舉升設備,其主要特點是占地面積小、安全性能好、升降臺下降時有啟鎖反饋信號、工作可靠、操作簡便,尤其是全液壓工作系統,不需另外配置壓縮空氣源,適合多種場合應用。

At last , a test is done by the bpa100 protocol analyzer , then we can find that bluetooth office automation system in nayong power plant guizhou province carrys into the wireless office in the plant , all the devices in the net can communicate with the right routing , and the applications based on the hardware platformform run credibly , the network can improve the level of office automation 通過bpa100協議分析儀的測試,可以看出,本課題設計的貴州省納雍發電廠藍牙辦公自動化系統,實現了發電廠的無線辦公,網絡內部的各個設備之間的通信也能進行正確的路由,且基于硬件平臺的應用程序能夠正確可靠的運行,從而大大提高了納雍發電廠的辦公自動化水平。

It looks upon water resistant as load , simulate every instance of locomotive running and check its every parameter automatically , then collect and dispose these data of parameters , calculate the power of simulating running of locomotive , which is based on the current , and voltage of host dynamotor . afterward , it can be judged from the working state of locomotive . through experiment and adjust each parameter , it can provide important warrant to the components of locomotive whether they can work normally and credibly 即以水阻作為負載,模擬機車運行,對機車的主發電動機的電流、電壓和柴油機的轉速等參數進行檢測,并對檢測結果進行處理,計算出模擬機車運行時的功率,并以此為依據,對機車的工作狀念進行判斷,通過水阻試驗,調整有關參數,使機車運行時能發揮所要求的功率和滿足規定的工作特性。

It is necessary that the receiver tracks the acquired signals steadily and credibly to ensure the successful demodulation process . in this thesis , an improved tracking loop design method is presented which adopts self - adaptation parameters and varied bandwidth tracking technique to adapt to the input signals , and improves the acquisition and tracking performance 接收機穩定可靠地跟蹤被捕獲信號保證成功解調是必要的,本文介紹一種改善的鎖相環設計方法,這種方法采用自適應參數和變帶寬跟蹤技術來調整輸入信號改善捕獲和跟蹤性能。

This report follows acknowledge of having learnt , analyses the internal and external stations of the chemical fiber research institute in detail and credibly , finds out development strategy , and determines the concentrated competitive strategy and suitable development strategic plan 本文力求運用所學知識,在充分調查研究內外部環境的基礎上,提出化纖研究所大膽發展的企業戰略方向,在此基礎上,選擇制定了化纖所應對變革應采取的“集中性”競爭戰略,并做了較為具體的戰略實施計劃。

The performance test virtual system of power line carrier based on lonworks locale control technology . the syetem is structure of modularity , it can be used to test all kinds of parameters of network performance according to your different requirements . in the lonmaker operation system and distributed database management system , the software of the system adopts object oriented programme . it can be run in windows 2000 system credibly 電力線載波通信網絡性能虛擬測試儀基于lonworks現場總線控制技術,它采用了模塊化結構,可根據不同的測試需求,構成不同的測試系統。本虛擬測試儀的上位機軟件是在lonmaker操作系統和分布式數據庫管理系統microsoftsqlserver下采用的面向對象的編程方法開發完成的,可以在windows2000操作系統下可靠運行。

As many of you know who follow trade , this has been a very strong issue for the president in terms of his interest in trying to get this authority so that we can come to the negotiating table more credibly and have the authority from our congress to negotiate new trade agreements 你們當中很多注意貿易問題的人都知道,這個問題對總統來說是一個非常重要的問題,他十分希望能獲得這項權力,以便我們在進行談判時更為有效,可以獲得我國國會的授權進行新的貿易協議的談判。

Airline arrangement department modifies flight schedules from planning department according to the market actual situation . it takes on very important responsibility in controlling flight running system . accordingly it is necessary to ensure arrangement department works efficiently and credibly 航空公司生產調度室以計劃室下發的航班時刻表為基礎,根據市場情況對航班進行增加、變更等處理,對與航空公司的生產營運密切相關的航班調度起著中樞管理的作用,因此要求其工作穩定、可靠并高效。

The innovative wwf 95 group is a partnership between wwf and companies or organisations in the uk who produce , use , buy , sell or specify timber and paper products . the group promotes and facilitates trade in credibly certified forest products and encourages good forest management world - wide Wwf95集團是世界自然基金會與英國出產與買賣木材及紙類制品的團體成立的網絡,負責推廣信譽良好的認證森林產品促進產品貿易及鼓勵全球采用優質森林管理方法。

Now the pdm model has been put into use in the limited company zhuji kaida machine tool group in the province of zhejiang , the result of application proves that the system can be operated expediently and credibly , and can greatly improve the efficiency of product data management 該系統已在浙江諸暨凱達機床集團有限公司投入使用,經運行證實系統操作方便、使用可靠,顯著提高產品開發的效率和技術管理的規范性,具有一定的推廣意義。

Service authentication process is started when service discovery request is begin ; the process is completed when the service is really used . through the process , service requesters and providers can be authenticated and services can be used credibly and securely 當服務請求者提出服務發現請求時發起服務認證過程,在服務真正被請求時完成整個認證過程,可有效地防止偽造的服務請求者或服務提供者,保證服務被可信而安全地使用。

In single - object detection and tracking experiment system can track the object continually and credibly , because of the use of block matching algorithm in background matching , the system run time is reduced . in the object coherence judgment experiment , object ' s 3d 在單目標的入侵檢測及跟蹤實驗中,對運動的目標能夠進行連續而可靠的跟蹤,并且由于在背景匹配中運用了塊匹配算法,減少了系統運行時間。

This paper analyzed the general variety regulation of the characteristics of single - fault to ground and single - line breakdown , provided the theory of fault ' s judgment and positioning for distribution network , which could estimate the faults credibly 摘要分析了配電網發生單相接地和斷線故障時故障特征量的一般變化規律,為配電網故障判斷和故障定位提供了理論依據,運用該判斷方法能夠可靠判斷故障。

On the basic of accurate modeling , the deflection data of machine ' s foremost part , support pole , is obtained by the finite element method . the analysis result shows that the system designed can satisfy technical requirement , and work credibly and precisely 在有限元分析上,通過準確建模,對機構的最重要部件支撐桿作了力學結構分析,得到了機構主要部件的變形數據。

To assure each component act credibly , run safely and exert the power required and task characteristics stated after assembling of locomotive prepared to leave factory or having been repaired , it is necessary to carry through the water - resistant examination 準備出廠的機車或經過大修、架修后的機車以及在運行一段時間后功率特性發生變化的機車,都要進行水阻試驗。

Although more of a “ policy weapon “ at this time , the chinese asat shows that the chinese military can credibly threaten imaging reconnaissance and other satellites operated by the u . s . , japan , russia , israel and europe 雖然中國的反衛星試驗從目前來看更多是一種“政治武器” ,但它顯示出中國軍方完全可以威脅美國、日本、俄羅斯、以色列和歐洲的圖像偵察等類衛星。

Your top management ranks are thin and you need a turnaround wizard because you can no longer function credibly as chairman , chief executive , president and chief operating officer all at once 公司的高層經理人手不足,董事長、首席執行官、總裁以及首席運營官這四職壓身讓你頓感力不從心,因此你需要一位精英人士來力挽狂瀾。