
credential adj.〔罕用語〕信任的。n.憑證,證件;〔pl.〕國書...


Combined with some credentials from a prior campaign .加上競選前就有的外交關系人脈

Tab , specify credentials to access the data source 選項卡中,指定訪問數據源的憑據。

Property contains the network credentials for the object 屬性包含該對象的網絡憑據。

For more information about creating a credential , see 有關創建憑據的詳細信息,請參閱

Id of the credential that the proxy account uses 代理帳戶使用的憑證的id 。

Page , specify credentials for the distribution agents at “分發代理安全性”頁上,為

Section , providing credentials for a member of the 組成員的憑據) ,然后單擊

B . dropping a credential for a database master key B .刪除數據庫主密鑰的憑據

First , before obtaining the credentials 或者,也可以在獲得憑證之前首先發出

Id of a credential associated with this principal 與該主體關聯的憑據的id 。

If valid credentials are presented in this attribute and the 如果在該屬性和

This credential will be awarded to you , keep it up 這個證書獎給你,希望能繼續保持!

Specifies the name of the credential being created 指定要創建的憑據的名稱。

The user provides credentials and submits the page 用戶提供憑據并提交該頁。

Use the credentials defined in the connection string 使用連接字符串中定義的憑據。

Validates user credentials and manages user settings 驗證用戶憑據并管理用戶設置。

Make sure that the credentials you are supplying are valid 確保您提供的憑據有效。

It will try to access the credential cache file 期間,它將試圖訪問憑證緩存文件。

Credential vault service for jsr 168 portlets 用于jsr 168 portlet的憑證庫服務