
credenda n.〔pl.〕(sing. -dendum ) 信條;教...


The company has established a scaled production line for sensors of such types as pressure , temperature , force , shift , photoelectricity , etc . and automatic control systems on the basis of following the purpose of “ create the biggest value for customers ” and the credendum of “ service supreme , property first ” , and can perform batch production of products of more than one hundred specifications 公司本著“為顧客創造最大價值”的宗旨,以“服務至上,性能穩定壓倒一切”為信條,建立起壓力、溫度、力、位移、光電等類型傳感器及自動測試控制系統規模化生產線,批量生產上百種規格的系列產品。

Specialism and perfection : nobody can achieve the best . concentration is our credendum . we will keep developing constantly in our field 專精:沒有人可以什么都做到最好,專注是我們的信條,我們將在自己的領域里持續發展。