
credence n.1.信用;信任;憑證。2.【宗教】祭器臺,供桌;(中...


No officials or friends would confirm a split between mr sarkozy , 52 , and the 49 - year - old premiere dame , but the absence of any denials lent credence to reports over the past week that they had formally parted ways and were perhaps seeking divorce 雖然到目前為止,薩科奇夫婦分居的消息還沒有得到官方和身邊友人的證實,但過去數周內,都沒有任何一方站出來澄清,這讓此間傳媒相信,這對引人矚目的總統夫婦已經正式分道揚鑣,并且可能已經在辦理離婚手續。

Accumulation fund weighs reserve again , it is a company to consolidate the property basis of oneself , increase the credence of the company and precautionary accident deficit , the regulation of according to law and company rules , it is beyond company capital the capital of stockpile 公積金又稱儲備金,是公司為鞏固自身的財產基礎,提高公司的信用和預防意外虧損,依照法律和公司章程的規定,在公司資本以外積存的資金。

Shevchenko ' s grievances do seem to have some credence , given he played 55 minutes of ukraine ' s friendly win over uzbekistan on 22nd august , and he is set to figure prominently for his country in the forthcoming euro 2008 qualifying double header 舍瓦對球隊對他的不信任感到不平和委屈,他在8月22日烏克蘭與烏茲別克斯坦的友誼賽中上場了55分鐘,并且他也表示將會代表他的祖國咱家2008歐洲杯接下來的預選賽。

The us government ' s feeble response to this outrage seems to lend credence to the view that its hatred for saddam hussein ' s regime is so deep - seated that it suffered no pangs of conscience to tacitly allow the looters to have a field day at the national museum 美國為什么會對劫掠行為無動于衷呢?一些觀察家認為美國對薩達姆政權深惡痛絕,因此昧著良知默許民眾瘋狂搶劫。

This discovery lends credence to the controversial idea of forcefully injecting water or steam into faults at the base of an unstable flank to trigger the stress - relieving earthquakes needed to let it down slowly 這項發現無疑為一個爭議性的構想打了一劑強心針:在不穩固邊坡底部的斷層,強行注入水或蒸氣,目的是引發地震、釋放應力,以緩慢降低邊坡坡度。

Now , the number of regional trade block noticed to wto grew to 160 . for that reason we can conclude that this lends credence to the theory that regionalism is emerging as a parallel force to multilateralism in the international economic system 目前,通知wto的區域貿易協定已達160個。可以說,全球經濟正處于“區域主義”與“全球主義”平行發展的時期。

Should the enterprise declare customs for the cargo in the area and pay abroad , the enterprise shall present original import cargo record listing , besides the credence and business document prescribed in section ( 1 ) of this article (三)貨物從區內報關進口,向境外支付的,除本條第(一)項所需憑證和商業單據外,還需提供正本進境貨物備案清單。

And with the long time influence of the thought of “ laying emphasis on substantive law and giving no credence to procedure “ , it is inevitable to make the stipulations of system of right of subrogation in contract law difficult to implement 加上我國長期以來“重實體、輕程序”思想的影響,這必然使得我國合同法規定的代位權制度將舉步維艱。

His outstanding displays on the world stage , together with some phenomenal performances on loan for royal antwerp , lend credence to the whispers that evans has what it takes to forge a career for himself in united ' s first team 他在世界舞臺上出色的表演以及在租借皇家安特衛普時顯著的成績,使那些質疑他獲得曼聯一線隊位置的能力的人閉上了嘴。

This is a legal obligation of the underwriter , law stipulates this obligation basically is the interest to protect policy holder , uphold honest credence principle , the fairness that assures insurance contract is reasonable 這是保險人的一項法定義務,法律規定這項義務主要是為保護投保人的利益,維護老實信用原則,保證保險合同的公平合理。

“ signor pastrini , “ returned franz , “ you are more susceptible than cassandra , who was a prophetess , and yet no one believed her ; while you , at least , are sure of the credence of half your audience “派里尼老板, ”弗蘭茲答道, “你簡直比卡莎德拉還要多心,她是一個預言家,卻還是沒有一個人肯相信她,那么你的聽眾至少還該打個對折吧。

Article 6 such enterprises in the area herein as handle foreign exchange business shall present the registration certificate besides the credence and business documents required to be presented by these operating rules herein 第六條區內企業辦理外匯業務時,除按本操作規程提供規定的憑證和商業單據外,還應當出示《登記證》 。

The establishment of system of real estate mortgage is of great significance in safeguarding the creditor ' s lawful interests , promoting the achievement of transactions of real estate , defending the market credence 房地產抵押制度的確立,對于保障債權人的合法權益,促進房地產交易的達成,維護市場信用等都是有極大的意義。

Article 13 should such enterprises in the area herein as pay outside have one of the following occasions , the enterprises herein shall , by presenting effective credence and business document , handle it to the relevant bank 第十三條區內企業向境外支付貨款,有下列形式之一的,應持以下有效憑證和商業單據到銀行辦理。

The large , prospective investigation adds credence to the possibility of harm from antioxidant supplements as found in prior systematic reviews and meta - analyses , according to an accompanying editorial 據一位助理編輯稱,與前期系統回顧研究和薈萃分析結果一樣,大量前瞻性研究更加證實了抗氧化補充劑的可能害處。

The large , prospectie inestigation adds credence to the possibility of harm from antioxidant supplements as found in prior systematic reiews and meta - analyses , according to an accompanying editorial 據同期的一篇評論,大量前瞻性研究進一步證實了前期系統回顧研究和薈萃分析中發現的抗氧化補充劑的可能害處。

Be in china at present , credit card still does not have the function that individual credence records , believe nevertheless before long in the future , our country also will build a whole credit system 目前在中國,信用卡還不具備個人信用記錄的功能,不過相信不久的將來,我國也將建立一套完整的信用體系。

The first message decrypted proved to have been u - boat communication from north atlantic encrypted with 4 - rotor enigma , giving credence to the speculation about their encryption method 第一個被解密的消息被證明是由活動在北大西洋上的u型潛艇用4轉子加密機加密后發送的,這說明了他們解密方法的正確性。

Prevent repertory accessories and parts from attaint , consign them in the order of arrival , put them on the principle of weight , make well records of receiving and consignment , and save original credence 保證庫存配件材料的完好無損,做到配件先進先出、下重上輕的原則,做好收發記錄,保存原始憑證。