
creature n.1.創造物;生物,(特指)動物;〔美國〕牛馬,家畜。...

creature comforts

Far less prevalent at this time were other truly bird-like creatures . 另一些和鳥類相似的動物在當時是不那么盛行的。

Looking up, he saw a very little creature at a neighbouring window . 抬頭一望,他看到鄰舍窗口上站著一個很小的人兒。

Still she was motionless, like a curled up, oblivious creature . 可她卻仍然不動彈,猶如一只縮的,被人遺忘的動物。

Devilish pretty girl that! 'pon my soul, an amazing little creature ! 那姑娘真俊氣!我敢說,真是一個驚人的小貨色!

We regarded them as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good . 我們把它們看作不需要的、害多利少的生物。

One could believe that human creatures had never intruded there before . 你簡直會以為那是從來沒有人到過的地方。

Twentieth-century western woman is truly an androgynous creature . 二十世紀的西方婦女確實是雌雄同體的生靈。

She had such confidence in the ignorance of those creatures . 她對于那些糊涂蟲的無知無識,是有十分把握的。

Other creatures were standing dead still in their tracks . 其它動物都在自己原來走著的地方完全不動地站著。

What a creature ! 真是一位人材!

In most states city governments were creatures of the legislature . 大多數州的政府,都是立法機關的產物。

These creatures never suspect; they have no idea of a sarcasm, 這幫家伙從不起疑,他們不知道什么叫挖苦。

No other creature except man can recall the past at will . 除了人以外,沒有任何一種生物能隨意回想過去。

God was very good and gave his creatures what they asked . 上帝真是太好了,他對他所創造的眾生有求必應。

Love for one's fellow creatures imbues every line of the drawing . 這張畫的每一根線條都浸透著這種感情。

In the middle of these shadows, i saw two creatures in love . 在那些陰影中間,我看見了兩個相愛的情侶。

She became what would have been called a fine creature . 她長成了一個早已應該叫作是所謂的“尤物”了。

The poor, bent, enfeebled creature struck his imagination . 那個貧困、駝背、衰老的人指點了他的思路。

There is not a happy creature on the earth than i am now . 現在世界上再也找不出比我更幸福的人來了。