
creator n.1.創造者;創作家;創設者;發生原因;新衣設計人;新...


There has to be an intelligent creator at the beginning . ,在起初必定有一位智慧的創造者。

The creator did not know of hope before you created it 造物主在你創造出希望之前并不知道它。

Who is the creator of harry potter 《哈利波特》這本書是誰創作的?

Adonai is the name of the creator of worlds 阿多奈是創世主的名字。

This privilege normally stays with the creator of an object 該權限通常保留給對象的創建者。

As a manga creator like me . . . i ' d iike your opinion 作為像我這樣的漫畫家,我想聽聽你的意見

Guests : proficient creators of advertisements 策劃團體: 《香江文壇》

We should be as magnanimous as the creator 我們應該跟造化一樣寬容。

Class encapsulates toolbox item creator callback functions 類封裝工具箱項創建者回調函數。

As a manga creator like me . i ' d iike your opinion 作為像我這樣的漫畫家,我想聽聽你的意見

Indicates a creator owner server sid 指示一個創建者所有者服務器sid 。

Join with the energies of the three creators of this matrix 與這矩陣三個創造者連接一體。

Pangu creator and the main body thought of china ancient times 盤古神話與中國古代本體思想

In this way , you can come back to prime creator 以這條道路,你們能返回到最初的創造者。

112 we are the creators of our own thoughts 我們都是自己思想的創造者。

We can ' t see the creator god with our eyes 我們無法親眼見到造物主真神。

The bible tells us the creator god also has a name 圣經告訴我們天地的創造主也有名字。

They didn t want to face their creator again 藏,他們不想再面對創造主。

Who is the creator of the modern olympic games 現代奧運會的創始人是誰?