
creativity n.創造力;藝術創新。


Core and philosophical implication of creativity 創新精神的內核及其哲學底蘊

Development of creativity and mathematics teaching 創新能力的培養與數學教學

What if i have zero creativity or imagination 如果我的創造力或想象為零,該怎么辦?

Creativity of the education in ancient chinese academies 書院教學的革新精神

Rising stage - realizing of aesthetic creativity 升華階段? ?審美創造的實現。

Students creativity calls for new educational concept 呼喚教育新理念激發學生創造力

Some reflections on creativity and confucian tradition 對創造力與儒家傳統的若干反思

Eager to learn and open - minded with creativity 求知欲強烈,富有創造性,心胸開闊。

On students ' creativity training in physics - teaching 物理教學中學生創造能力的培養

Structural well - formedness and student creativity 語言結構規范與學生創造能力

Knowledge management and enterprise organization creativity 知識管理與企業組織創新

It is about creativity , innovation , and people 與之相關的是創造、革新和人。

Creativity and decoding of spoken english discourse 論英語日常話語的創造性及其解碼

On the creativity of translators in law translation 論法律翻譯中譯者的創造性

The infant creativity is characteristic of itself 幼兒創造力有其自身特點。

When it comes to internet marketing , creativity is key 說到網絡營銷,創造力是關鍵

That ' s good . creativity is just what we want 例4這樣好嘛,就是要有創造性。

People with creativity are seldom found nowdays 現時很少能找到有創造性的人。

The influence of the students ' anxiety on their creativity 焦慮對學生創造性的影響