
creative adj.有創造力的,創造的;造成的。 be creati...


On the cultivation of postgraduates ' creative ability 試論研究生創新能力的培養

The creative education and the quality - oriented education 論創新教育和素質教育

That is the first principle of creative accident 這是創意意外理論的第一原則。

The reform of distribution system should be creative 分配制度的改革要敢于創新

The fucking creative director ' s office and he says , 沖進創意總監的辦公室,說道

Center for creative studies - college of art design 創造性學習中心-藝術設計學院

A strong creative impulse ; divine inspiration 靈感,神感強烈的創造欲;神明啟示

Sketch teaching and cultivation of creative thinking 素描教學中創造性思維的培養

45 . the film industry is a major creative sector 45 .電影是我們重要的創意產業。

Research on college creative quality education 試論知識經濟時代高校創新素質教育

On the creative management of the 21st century library 論21世紀的圖書館管理創新

This is a significative and somewhat creative work 這是一個有一定創新的工作。

On creative thinking in pe exercises and its development 創造性思維及其能力培養

Practices and consideration on creative biology teaching 課堂教學模式的幾點思考

The scheme is very creative in the term of design 這個計劃在構思上很有想象力。

Form a teaching system to cultivate creative talents 構建培養創新人才的教學體系

When you make homemade decorations , be creative 當您自制裝飾品時,要發揮創意。

School of creative media , city university of hong kong 香港城市大學創意媒體學院

The connotational perspective in creative epistemology 創新思維的認識論意蘊透析