
creationism n.【生物學】神造論,特別創造說。


It can still be described as “ creationism “ in holding that divine intervention brought about the origin of life or that divine laws govern formation of species , but in the creation - evolution controversy its proponents generally take the “ evolutionist “ side while disputing that some scientists ' methodological assumption of materialism can be taken as ontological as well 它仍然可以被描述為持有神性干涉的“創造說”帶來了生命的起源或神性法則支配物種的形成,但是在造物進化爭論中,它的支持者通常站在“進化論者”一邊同時爭論某些科學家也作為存在論的唯物主義方法假定。

In order to understand how darwin builds a long argument to persuade readers to believe his evolutionary theory is better than creationism and lamarck ' s transmutation theory , one needs to know the emergence of this revolutionarily scientific theory is not only related to geology , paleontology , comparative anatomy , morphology , and embryology but also connected with his contemporary background of religion as well as economy 這門課擬從科學史的觀點,來帶學生閱讀與討論達爾文《物種源始》這本科學文本,了解此一個革命性的科學理論的生成,不但涉及地質學、古生物學、比較解剖學、形態學、胚胎學等自然學科,也關連到宗教、經濟等人文與社會面的諸多背景,進而認識達爾文如何在此書中建構論證與說服讀者相信他的演化論優于當時與其競爭的神創說和拉瑪克的理論。

While the term creationism was not in common use before the late 19th century , creationists consider their primary source to be the ancient hebrew text describing creation according to genesis and see themselves as being the philosophical and religious offspring of the traditions that held that text sacred 而創造說術語在19世紀晚期不具有共同的使用價值,創造學家認為他們的原始來源是古代希伯來人文本描述的創造,是根據《創世紀》和了解他們自己認為為哲學和宗教的所保存的文本神圣傳統產物。

This synthesis of religious teachings with science can still be described as creationism in holding that divine intervention brought about the origin of life or that divine laws govern formation of species , but in the creation - evolution controversy its proponents generally take the “ evolutionist “ side 這宗教教導與科學的綜合仍然可以描述創造在持有神性干涉帶來生命的起源或神性法則支配物種的形成,但是在創造進化辯論中,它的支持者通常站在“進化”這一邊。

This contradiction was obviously seen in hu shi ( “ doubt in the ancient “ ) and feng youlan ( “ interpretation to the ancient “ ) in their practice in constructing the discipline of the history of chinese philosophy , and had a positive response in zhang “ cultural creationism “ 這一矛盾在胡適( “疑古” ) 、馮友蘭( “釋古” )建構中國哲學史學科的實踐中得到鮮明的反映,并在張岱年的“文化創造主義”中獲得積極的回應。

I am sure you ve noticed that there is a lot of attention today in the media ; on television , and in magazines about the conflict between creationism and evolution . and in this series of messages on creation , i want to address this issue here and now , however briefly 今天世界里有許多沖突,相信大家都留意到了,在傳媒電視雜志,關乎創造論及進化論的沖突此時此刻,我要簡單回應這題目。

On the dust jacket of this fine book , stephen jay gould says : “ this book stands for reason itself . “ and so it does ? and all would be well were reason the only judge in the creationism / evolution debate 在這本書的封皮上,史蒂芬-杰-高德說“這本書代表理性本身” ,事實也確實是這樣? ?在神創論和進化論之中,如果把理性作為判斷的唯一標準一切事情都好辦了。

There does not need to be a conflict between intelligent people who endorse the process of evolution and intelligent christians who endorse the holy scripture s account of creationism in genesis 1 . the key is to avoid extreme positions 我從沒跟贊同進化論的聰明人,及支持圣經創世記第一章創造論的聰明的基督徒,發生任何沖突,關鍵是避免走向極端。

Day - age creationism - the view that the “ six days “ of genesis are not ordinary twenty - four - hour days , but rather much longer periods ( for instance , each “ day “ could be the equivalent of millions of years of modern time ) 白天創造說-認為起源記的“六天”不是平常的二十四小時天,而是更加長的周期(例如每“天”可以等效為現代時間的樹百萬年) 。

Scientific creationism , which is being pushed by some for equal time in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are given , is based on religion , not science 科學的神造說/特創論-不論什么時候談到進化的科學解釋的時候,某些人就會要求在教室里獲得同等的時間來解釋這一學說-是以宗教為基礎的,而不是以科學為基礎。

On the dust jacket of this fine book , stephen jay gould says : “ this book stands for reason itself . “ and so it does - and all wound be well were reason the only judge in the creationism / evolution debate 在這本精裝書的扉頁上,斯達芬哲克勞德說: “這本書為它本身而存在”事實確實如此- - - -這一點將在進化論與造物論的爭論中得到驗證。

Evolutionary creationism , or theistic evolution , is the general belief that some or all classical religious teachings about god and creation are compatible with some or all of the scientific theory of evolution 進化創造說或有神論進化是某些或全部正統宗教教導有關上帝和創造普遍的信仰,均與一些或全部的科學進化理論相一致。

Still , she was caught off guard last year when a visitor to the museum of the earth where she volunteers angrily confronted her , denouncing evolution and insisting the museum teach creationism instead 盡管如此,去年她在擔任志工的地球博物館遇上1位訪客火冒三丈的對她貶損進化論,并堅持要館方宣導創造論時,她一時無所適從。

Jewish creationism includes a continuum of views about creationism , on aspects including the origin of life and the role of evolution in the formation of species as debated in the creation - evolution controversy 猶大人創造說包括有關連續統一的觀點,一種情形包括生命的起源以及物種形成的角色進化,如為創造進化爭論的辯論。

“ scientific “ creationism , which is being pushed by some for “ equal time “ in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are given , is based on religion , not science 科學上的創造論,中世紀以來一直都被人們在教室中不斷傳頌推動著,無論評估上的科學描述何時被給出,它都是基于宗教基礎,而不是科學基礎

In a forced binary choice between the “ theory of creationism ” and the “ theory of evolution , ” 57 percent chose creationism against only 33 percent for evolution ( 10 percent said that they were “ unsure ” ) 如果只從創造論與演化論二選一, 57 %的人選擇創造論,只有33 %的人選擇演化論( 10 %的人不確定) 。

A court ban on teaching creationism in public schools , however , means pupils can only be taught evolution , which angers fundamentalists , and triggers local battles over evolution 對教的神造論的一個法院禁令在公立學校,然而,手段學生可能只被教演變,激怒原教旨主義者,并且關于演變的觸發器地方爭斗。

Many creationists would deny that this is creationism at all , and should rather be called “ theistic evolution “ , just as many scientists allow voice to their spiritual side 很多創造學家就會完全拒絕這個是創造說,而寧愿被叫做“有神論進化” ,正如很多科學家表達其靈性的一面。

Virtually all scientists and the majority of non - fundamentalist religious leaders have come to regard “ scientific ” creationism as bad science and bad religion 實際上,所有科學家和大多數非原教旨主義宗教領袖們都已將“科學”創世紀論看做是拙劣的科學和拙劣的宗教。