
creation n.1.創造,創作;發生。2.創造物;天地萬物,宇宙。3...


Bankers who can balance their books may conclude that they know all there is to know about the creation of money . 能使收支平衡的銀行家可以得出結論,認為他們已經掌握了一切有關創造貨幣的知識。

However a few of the many creations that bear primarily on complex functions themselves will be noted here . 可是,在許多創造中,有少數幾個原來就與復函數本身直接關聯著的卻要在這里先提一下。

The creation of the concept of the definite integral was motivated by the problem of calculating the areas of certain plane regions . 定積分概念的產生是由求一個平面域的面積問題而導致的。

If only man was swept off the face of the earth, creation would go on so marvelously, with a new start, non-human . 如果在地球的表面清除了人類,創造會奇跡般地繼續下去,非人類地重新開始。

It is clear that an endless series of creations in this direction is possible in britain, just as in america . 顯然就象在美國一樣,在英國也可以這樣構造出一系列無窮無盡的新詞來。

The beauty of nature reforms itself in the mind, and not for barren contemplation, but for new creation . 大自然的美在心靈中可以自我改造,不是為了徒然的冥想,而是為了新的創造。

New products, new processes, and the creation of new markets are part and parcel of the enterprise system . 新產品、新工藝以及新市場的創造都是事業單位體系的重要部分。

Quantum field theory maintains that all interactions arise from the creation and annihilation of particles . 量子場論認為,一切互相作用是由粒子的產生和湮沒而引起的。

Sorry , but it is just a decoration . look , the buddha is all smiles . it is an artistic creation . 對不起,這不過是裝飾品。瞧,那佛像滿臉笑容,是一種藝術作品。

These may result in wrong pricing, creation of distorted patterns of demand by repetitive advertising . 這些可引起標價錯誤,造成重復廣告宣傳所引起的畸形的需求。

The crucial event in spacetime involves the destruction of one particle and the creation of three other . 空時中的重要事件包含著一個粒子的消滅和3個粒子的產生。

Many creations of that time were in the nature of things quite ephemeral and have passed into history . 當時許多新造的詞語必然地是臨時性的,它們已成了歷史。

The basic dynamic variables are then the operators associated with the creation and annihilation of quanta . 基本動力學變數是與產生和消滅量子相聯系的算符。

The succession of life in the geological record did not correspond to the acts of the six days of creation . 地質記錄中的生物繼替和六天創造的活動不相符合。

The aircraft carrier, whether in its crudest form or its most advanced form, is a hybrid creation . 不論是最原始的還是最先進的航空母艦,都具有雙重用途。

This creation ranks as one of the richest and most fruitful veins of thought ever struck in mathematics . 這個創造是數學中最豐富最有效力的設想之一。

The consequence for mathematics was a burst of activity and original creation . 對數學來說,進一步的后果是爆發了一個空前活躍和富有創造性的時期。

He is most noted for the creation of the first astronomical theory of the heavenly motions . 他最出名的工作是創立了天體運動的第一個天文學說。

I also became a poet and for one year lived in a paradise of my own creation . 我自己也成了詩人,有整整一年,我生活在自己開拓的天國樂園之中。