
creatine n.【生物化學】肌酸,肌肉素。


This artiele tries to find out the tifferences by comparison between china ' s art of lettering of the time and the seal cutting in the ming and qing dynasties in china from the two aspects of artistic subject and creatine ranks , and then from the same abjeet of expression ( chinese characters ) , from the same , technique of expression ( cutting cutting ) , eraws experience and lessons from the art of seal cutting ( especially the seals of scholars in the ming and qing dynasties ) which was similarly deeplhy rooted in china and closely connected with tradition , so as to make a research on its location and orientation and promote sound development of the art of lettering of the time 摘要本文試圖從藝術本體、創作隊伍兩方面尋找中國當代刻字藝術與中國(明清)篆刻藝術相比較差距,進而從同一表現對象(中國漢字方塊字) 、同一表現手法(刻)和同樣扎根在中華大地上的、與傳統接軌的篆刻藝術(特別是明清文人印)那里汲取經驗教訓,促使當代刻字藝術健康成長,作出定位、定向研究。

Conclusions ? on the basis of data aailable from published clinical trials , statin therapy is associated with a small excess risk of transaminase eleations , but not of myalgias , creatine kinase eleations , rhabdomyolysis , or withdrawal of therapy compared with placebo 結論:基于可利用的臨床試驗數據,與安慰劑比較,他汀類治療存在轉氨酶升高的風險,卻與肌痛、肌酸激酶升高、橫紋肌溶解或者終止用藥無關。

Creatinine : a creatine anhydride , c4h7n3o , formed by the metabolism of creatine , that is found in muscle tissue and blood and normally excreted in the urine as a metabolic waste 肌酸酐:一種肌酸酐, c4h7n3o ,由肌酸的新陳代謝形成,發現于肌肉細胞組織和血液中,一般作為新陳代謝的廢物通過尿液排出。

Add 40 - 50 g of whey protein to each of these shakes , plus glutamine , creatine and arginine , if those supplements are part of your nutrition plan 在蛋白粉里加入40 - 50克葡萄糖然后搖勻,最好加入谷氨酰胺,肌酸和精氨酸,如果這些補劑是你的營養方案的一部分。

After primary angioplasty , risk factors , peak serum creatine phosphokinase concentration , recanalization time , and es were similar in the two groups 首次血管成形術后,兩組風險因素、峰值血清肌酸磷酸激酶濃度、血管再通時間及范圍分數( es )相似。

Clinical comparison of the sensitivity and specificity of cardiac tro ponin i and cardiac troponin t and creatine kinase mb for the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction 心肌損傷標記物在急性心肌梗死早期診斷中的臨床意義

A comparison of serum creatine kinase - mb and cardiac troponin in patients undergoing cabg with off - pump technique or cardiopulmonary bypass 體外及非體外循環冠狀動脈搭橋術對血清磷酸肌酸激酶同工酶和心肌鈣蛋白的影響

Determination of c - reactive protein , cardiac troponin i , creatine kinase isoenzyme mb and creatine kinase in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease 3種心肌損傷標記物在急性心肌梗死早期診斷中的價值

Changes of myocardial function and the evaluative value of creatine kinase in middle and long - distance runners after high strength training 中長跑運動員大強度訓練后心肌功能改變及肌酸激酶的評估價值

Measurement of hs - c - reactive protein , cardiac troponin i , creatine kinase isoenzyme mb and myoglobin in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome 心肌標志物在不穩定型心絞痛和急性心肌梗死的臨界值

Values of serum myoglobin , troponin t and creatine kinase mb in assessing reperfusion after thrombolysis for the aging acute myocardial infarction 肌酸激酶同工酶對冠脈再通的診斷價值

White blood cell count and creatine kinase isoenzymes in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction 白細胞分類與肌酸磷酸激酶同工酶檢測結合對急性心肌梗死的早期診斷價值

Changes of serum creatine kinase isoforms and lactate dehydrogenase isoforms in rabbits with static load 靜態負荷家兔血清肌型肌酸激酶同功酶和乳酸脫氫酶同功酶的變化

Effect of acrylamide on creatine kinase and adenosine triphosphate in brain of mice and its significance 丙烯酰胺中毒后小鼠腦中肌酸激酶和三磷酸腺苷含量的改變及意義

Analysis of factors inducing creatine kinase elevations after percutaneous coronary interventions 冠心病經皮冠狀動脈介入治療后肌酸激酶及其同工酶增高的因素

The effect of troponin i and myoglobin and creatine kinase - mb for the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction 測定在急性心肌梗死早期診斷中的作用

Diagnostic value of myoglobin , troponin and creatine mb in coronary reperfusion of ami 肌酸激酶同工酶的檢測對老年急性心肌梗死溶栓再通的判定價值

Effects of creatine and or carbohydrate supplementation on blood lactate of chinese football players after exercises 或肌酸對運動后血乳酸的影響

Preliminary study on release of cardiac troponin i and creatine kinase - mb in sera of heart transplantation patients 及肌酸激酶同工酶的動態觀察