
create vt.1.創造;創作;產生,引起。2.創設,設立;建設(...


This flow is created and sustained by stacks and fans . 這種流動是由煙囪和風機產生并維持的。

A graben creates a favourable setting for uranium deposition . 地塹成為鈾礦沉積的有利部位。

Why hasn't such an announcement created more noise ? 這樣一份聲明為什么沒有引起更大的反響?

She really created because she was n't served first . 她的確生氣了,因為沒有首先為她服務。

This kind of letter creates a deep reservoir of good feelings . 這種信可以產生良好的情意。

Mr. warner broke new ground by creating a new style . 沃納先生以創造新風格,而開辟新局面。

Our very success created a heartbreaking problem . 我們的成功倒引起了一個令人傷心的問題。

You need not create about it . 你不必大驚小怪。

It was not her employer who created these perplexities . 令她感到慌恐的并非是她的雇主。

This created uncertainty on the part of admiral esteva . 此事造成愛斯特瓦上將的不安。

By his will he created trusts for his children .. 他在遺囑里為孩子們建立了信托財產。

In his will he created trusts for his children . 他在遺囑里為子女安排好了信托財產。

This would create a bad impression . 這樣做影響不好。

We will create a great empire . 我們要締造一個大帝國。

Why did nature bother to create mosquitoes ? 為什么大自然要不厭其煩地創造蚊子呢?

He was created baron of banthorp . 他被封為班紹普男爵。

It is labour that creates the world . 是勞動創造了世界。

The procedure he created was a two-tier ballot . 他倡議的新辦法,是兩次投票法。

To turn on the light creates photons by the swarm . 打開電燈就有大量光子產生。