
creasy adj.摺縫多的,有摺痕的,變皺了的。


You ' ve got a tv and c . d . player . what kind ofmusic do you like , mr . creasy 這里有電視和cd機你喜歡哪種音樂,克雷塞先生?

Senor creasy . - bell rings 克雷塞先生

Creasy . you ' re smiling 克雷塞,你笑了

Sniffles i loveyou , creasy 我愛你,克雷塞

Go , go . - bye , creasy 快去-再見,克雷塞

Pita screaming , distorted creasy 克雷塞!

Creasy ' s art is death 克雷塞的藝術就是死亡

[ pita screaming , distorted ] creasy 克雷塞!

[ sniffles ] i loveyou , creasy 我愛你,克雷塞

He said to call him just creasy 他說就叫他克雷塞

What was she to creasy then 她對克雷塞意味著什么?

Mr . creasy ? - yeah , it ' s me 克雷塞先生? -是,是我

- mr . creasy ? - yeah , it ' s me -克雷塞先生? -是,是我

Honey , this is , uh , mr . creasy 寶貝,這位是克雷塞先生

That is history . creasy history . - no , that ' s ancient history 那是歷史,克雷塞的歷史-不,問古代歷史

- that is history . creasy history . - no , that ' s ancient history -那是歷史,克雷塞的歷史-不,問古代歷史

- what are you talking about ? - creasy -你在說什么? -克雷塞

What are you talking about ? - creasy 你在說什么? -克雷塞

[ creasy ' s voice ] you think god will forgive us for what we ' ve done 你認為上帝會寬恕我們做的嗎?