
creamy adj.奶油狀的;含奶油的;奶油色的;濃厚的,濃艷的。


In a small bowl , dissolve yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar in warm water . let stand until creamy , about 10 minutes 在一個小碗里面,用溫水融酵母和1茶匙的糖,等大概10分鐘,讓混合物變稠。

The rich fruit flavours of this pinot noir chardonnay are complemented by a soft creamy complexity 這款氣泡酒帶有新鮮的熱帶水果的香氣如香蕉、菠蘿的香味。并具有柔和的奶油味。

The floral heart contains creamy jasmine , pink peony , freesia lace , moroccan rose and orange flower 花的心含有像奶油般柔滑的素馨,石竹科的芍藥,小蒼蘭,摩洛哥的玫瑰和柑橘的花

At first i thought this would be really waxy and thick , but it turns that this was creamy and smooth 這段大意是說:起初我以為它會象蠟一樣而且厚重,但它象乳霜一樣細滑。

D : have you ever noticed a creamy discharge at the end of your penis before you begin to urinate in the morning 早晨開始小便前你是否注意到小便口上有白色分泌物?

Have you ever noticed a creamy discharge at the end of your penis before you begin to urinate in the morning 早晨開始小便前你是否注意到小便口上有白色分泌物?

Ice cram mix is available in 6 flavors ; vanilla , chocolate , strawberry , ube yam , melon and creamy milk 雪糕粉有香草、朱古力、草莓、香芋、密及牛奶共六種口味。

Semidouble creamy white / wide green edge . dark green , wavy / red back . standard 半重瓣,奶油白色鑲寬綠邊的花。深綠色波浪形的葉,紅色的葉被。標準型。

A thick creamy east indian stew made with lentils , onions , and various spices 達西爾東印度的一種稠而細膩的燉制食物,由濱豆、洋蔥和各種調味品制成

I have no idea whether the milk pudding was any good , though the ice cream was nice and creamy 牛奶布丁好不好吃我就不知道了… . .冰淇淋是還不賴!

Make 一 up is a creamy substance and needs to be dissolved with an oil 一 based cream before washing 彩妝是一種油性物質,需要用油性清潔霜清洗。

Canceled the chance for creamy to drop creamy card and it ' s not obtainable in oca too 取消怪物掉落克瑞米卡片。包含老舊收集冊也無法取得。

Product description : the avocado , when ripe , has a dull skin colour and creamy yellow flesh 中文描述:鱷梨熟時,暗色果皮,乳脂狀黃色果肉。

A thick , creamy potato soup flavored with leeks and onions , usually served cold 維希冷湯一種用韭蔥和洋蔥調味的粘稠的奶油土豆湯,通常冷食

Milk chocolate is not only sweeter and 11 ) creamier , but also more 12 ) affordable 牛奶巧克力不只是比較甜、比較多乳脂,而且還比較便宜。

Jenny lind soup : stock , sage , raw eggs , half pint of cream . for creamy dreamy 詹妮林德161式的湯:原汁,洋蘇葉,生雞蛋,半品脫奶油。

Single - semidouble pale blue pansy / variable creamy white eye , yellow streaks 單瓣到半重瓣淺藍色堇型花,變異時有奶油白的眼,黃色線條。

Semidouble - double creamy - white large star . medium green , heart - shaped . standard 半重瓣到奶油白色大朵星形花。中綠色心形葉。標準型。

Beat soft cream cheese with half of the sugar until creamy , and then mix in the vanilla 半份糖與忌廉芝士打至幼滑,加入云喱?香油。