
creamer n.1.撇取乳皮的盆[人]。2.奶油分離器。3.〔美國〕...


In addition to protein soup , here are just a few of the available products and new protein foods : protein breakfast cereals , protein cookies , protein dessert bars , protein pasta , protein coffee creamer , protein pudding and even high - protein ice cream 除了蛋白質湯之外,還有一些功效不錯的產品和一些新的蛋白質食品:早餐谷物蛋白,蛋白餅干,蛋白棒,蛋白面條,蛋白咖啡奶昔,蛋白布丁以及高蛋白冰淇凌。

Finely roasted high grade coffee beans , meticulously brewed to perfection and carefully blended with non - dairy creamer to capture all the robust aroma , a richer taste , creamier and more satisfying 香烤高級咖啡豆,精心釀制,細心調以優質脫脂奶精,誘人香味,盡在其中。入口香濃幼滑,令人心滿意足。

Offers food ingredients including cheese and dairy powders , snack seasonings , flavors , fat replacer , cheese chunkettes , shortenings , creamers , nutraceuticals , and specialty powders -從事奶牛生態養殖和乳制品產銷。產品有“雪寶”牌袋裝杯裝紙盒裝三大系列。

Using a laboratory model that simulates digestion in the stomach and small intestine , ferruzzi tested green tea with a number of additives , including juices and creamers 費魯齊用實驗模型來模擬胃和小腸消化功能,向綠茶中放一些添加劑如果汁和奶蓋來測試綠茶。

Joan : no , it ' s my turn to put the coffee , sugar and creamer this week 簡:不,這周輪到我放咖啡、糖和奶末。

Milk , barley , wheat , oat , sugar , corn , non - dairy creamer 奶香濃郁,食用方便,讓您隨時享用健康與美味。

Billy : no i ran out yesterday ? do you have any creamer 比利:不,昨天就沒了。你有奶晶嗎?

Creamer : white powdered milk that can be added to coffee 奶晶:可以加入咖啡的白色奶粉。

Billy : no ! like coffee , creamer and sugar 比利:不!是咖啡,奶晶和糖!