
creaky adj.(-ier; -iest) (容易)吱吱嘎嘎響的...


There ' s a touch of grunge about this pub with its local scene and creaky wooden floor ? you ' re walking in the footsteps of many a bygone drinker 這個酒館店面普通,木地板會發出嘎吱嘎吱的聲響- -仿佛看到許多往日醉鬼步履蹣跚的樣子,給人一種蹩腳的感覺。

Toiling up the creaky stairs , hurstwood looked back and saw the captain , watching ; the last one of the line being included in his broad solicitude 回頭望望,看見上尉在那里注視著。他那份博愛關懷備至,他要看著最后一個人也被安頓好了才能放心。

And pastor drove him to staten island , and the old man walked three flights of creaky stairs into the arms of his beloved wife 牧師開車送他前往,老先生走了三層樓梯,終于可以跟愛妻擁抱。

On quietly creaky boots he went up the staircase to the hall , paused by the bedroom door 他穿著那雙稍微吱吱響的靴子,攀上樓梯,走到過道,并在寢室門前停下來。

Now , i know it ' s not mom ' s house , and i know it ' s a iittle creaky . . 我知道在你們看來這里不像媽媽的屋子那么好,而確實這房子已經有些破舊了.

Now , l know it ' s not mom ' s house , and l know it ' s a little creaky . . 我知道在你們看來這里不像媽媽的屋子那么好,而確實這房子已經有些破舊了.

Now , i know it ' s not mom ' s house , and i know it ' s a iittle creaky 我知道在你們看來這里不像媽媽的屋子那么好,而確實這房子已經有些破舊了

Now , l know it ' s not mom ' s house , and l know it ' s a little creaky 我知道在你們看來這里不像媽媽的屋子那么好,而確實這房子已經有些破舊了

I walked through the creaky , old gate again and kick - started the motorcycle 我又一次走過那扇古老的晃晃悠悠的大門,發動了摩托車。

Big , creaky door 吱吱嘎嘎的大門

Creaky wardrobe . no use disturbing her 衣櫥總咯吱咯吱響,犯不上去打擾她。

All the doors sound creaky when the wind blows 只要風一吹,所有的門都吱吱嘎嘎作響。