
creak n.吱吱嘎嘎聲,輾軋聲。 with a creak 吱嘎...


Jonathan s footsteps then died from the door , and his cart creaked away 后來她聽見約納森的腳步聲從門口消失了,大車的響聲也去遠了。

The japanese had passed mengcun village . the creaking of their carts was already audible 鬼子擦著孟村過來了,已經聽得見大車響。

The boards creaked 地板吱吱作響。

Nice and easy . creaking 放松,慢慢來

Nice and easy . [ creaking ] 放松,慢慢來

How dare you ! - creaking 你怎么敢這么做!

Doing its level best to speak . that door too slit creaking , asking to be shut 連那扇門也吱吱響著,在招呼人把它關上。

The tax system is creaking under its increasingly heavy workload 稅收系統在漸增地繁重工作量之下嘎滋嘎滋響地運作。

The creaking of the door on rusty hinges jangles on my ears 鉸鏈生銹的門發出嘎吱嘎吱的聲音,使我感到很不舒服。

Ruttledge s door : ee creaking 不,那只是噪音。

I felt a thrill of terror as the door began to creak open 當門開始嘎吱一下打開時,我感到一陣心驚膽跳襲上心頭。

A creaking door hangs long 舊門久用,病夫命長。

I felt a thrill of terror as the door began to creak open 當門開始嘎吱一下打開時,我感到一陣恐怖襲上心頭。

Is there a burglar in the house ? i heard a creak on the stairs 屋里有竊賊嗎?我聽到樓梯上有嘎滋嘎滋聲。

The creaking of the door on rusty hinges jars on my ears 鉸鏈生銹的門發出吱嘎吱嘎的聲使我感到很不舒服。

The old house creaked with the wind 這棟古屋隨著風嘎滋嘎滋響。

I heard creaks from the staircase 我聽到從樓上來的嘎滋嘎滋聲。

Their carriage began to move , creaking and swaying 他們的馬車開始前進了,搖搖擺擺,吱嘎作響。

When the cryptos creak and the tombstones quake 當墓碑裂開的時候