
crazy adj.1.搖晃不穩的,破爛的(船、房子等);〔古語〕(...

crazy act

Henry may not have liked the japanese, but he was crazy about europe . 亨利也許不喜歡日本人,但是他對歐洲卻非常迷戀。

I didn't tell them all the details, i didn't want them to go crazy . 我沒有把詳細情況告訴她們,我們不想把她們氣瘋了。

Don't be crazy . 別犯傻了。

He's clean crazy . 他完全瘋了。

I'm crazy about you . 我為你發瘋了。

He's crazy like a fox . 他在裝瘋賣傻。

He is crazy with pain . 他痛苦得發狂。

He has a solid marriage and three kids he's crazy about . 他的婚姻很穩定,有三個孩子,他都很寵愛。

Now, they have done it, those crazy people have done it . 唉,他們已經干了,那些瘋子已經干上了。

She was crazy about you . 她迷戀過你的。

I can't imagine lying like that. i would go crazy . 這樣躺法,我簡直不能想象。要是我早就發瘋了。

He is crazy with delight . 他高興得發狂。

She drove everyone crazy but general dreedle . 除了德里德爾將軍以外,人人都被她弄得神魂顛倒。

She is crazy about him . 她為他而神魂顛倒。

He 's crazy about novels . 他看小說看上癮了。

My eyes must have been a little crazy with solemnity . 我雙眼的莊重神情一定顯得有點兒異樣。

The whole thing is crazy . 這一切真不可思議。

He throws away his money on every sort of crazy reform . 他把錢財花費在各種狂熱的改革上。

It's some crazy blue color . 是一種很怪的藍色。