
craze vt.1.使發狂〔通常用被動語態〕。2.使(陶器)現裂紋...


Sometimes the crazed fool decides to go for one last kick . . 有時候有些瘋了的傻瓜決定來個最一擊. .

That even when he withdraws from battle crazed with grief , 當他因為愛人帕特洛克羅斯之死而悲痛發狂

I ' m okay with that and everything , but my dad is crazed 上次那個以后我一切都好,但是我爸爸發了瘋

India ' s religious craze in recent years 印度近年來宗教熱分析

Mrs . thatcher was almost crazed ; and aunt polly , also 撒切爾夫人幾乎神經失常,還有波莉姨媽也是。

Research on craze damage in the crack - tipof modified polypropylene 改性聚丙烯材料裂尖銀紋損傷研究

Experimental research on temperature dependence of pmma ' s crazing damage 銀紋的溫度依賴性實驗研究

Sometimes the crazed fool decides to go for one last kick 有時候有些瘋了的傻瓜決定來個最后一擊

Skateboards are the latest craze 滑板運動是目前最時興的玩意兒

On value outlook analysis of college students ' craze for blogging 大學生博客熱的價值觀根源探析

Experimental research on crazing damage in pmma 銀紋損傷實驗研究

Do you know how much i love you , i must have been craze 你知道我使多么的愛你嗎,我都要瘋了。

And you cured me , too , of that craze ; so i am glad - “你也把我的宗教狂熱給治好了所以我高興”

Ceramic tiles - determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles 瓷磚.釉面磚抗裂紋的測量

The boys had a craze for collecting stamps 那些男孩子們熱衷于集郵。

Hacker craze , but even our small game also feel 駭客的熱潮,就連我們的小游戲也感受到了。

Introduction : on a supermarket shopping craze 一到超市就開始瘋狂購物

This new toy is the latest craze in america 這種新玩具最近風靡美國。

A craze for milan kundera and cultural cynicism 昆德拉熱與文化犬儒主義