
crayon n.顏色(鉛)筆,色粉筆,蠟筆;色粉[蠟筆]畫;(弧光燈...


U . s . soldier hands out crayons and colouring books to iraqi children in baghdad july 5 , 2005 在伊拉克首都巴格達,一位美國大兵正在分送蠟筆和著色本給當地的孩童。

When you were 4 years old , she gave you some crayons . you thanked her by coloring the dining room table 你4歲時,她給你幾支彩筆。你報答她,把餐桌涂成大花臉。

Manufacturer of whiteboards , pencil bags , adhesive tape , crayons and similar items -提供便民服務辦事指南社區服務醫療咨詢家庭教育和網絡互聯等。

Witnesses say the man was upset because several children on the bus threw crayons at his car 目擊者稱是因為公共汽車的幾個小孩向他的車扔蠟筆。

Kate , can you please gather all the crayons and markers and put them in this box 凱特,可否請你找回所有蠟筆與麥克筆,放回這個盒子里?

A crayon pony - fish 一只五彩海馬

Where is the crayon 蠟筆在哪兒?

Crayons and oil pastels 蠟筆和油彩

Hello , crayons , books , and trash can , tables , chairs , scissors , and glue 你好,油畫棒,書和垃圾桶,桌子,椅子,剪刀和膠水!

My wife won ' t even let me play with the kid ' s crayons 我不是一個機械工作者,我認為由于沒有使用很多有效工具,所以我成功了。

It ' s with my crayons 在我的蠟筆那邊。

She bought crayons for me and taught me to learn painting while watching brownie 姥姥給我買來圖畫筆,讓我摸著黃黃學畫。

But how do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume 但,你如何去感激把你從庸俗中帶領成有品味的恩人?

My wife won ' t even let me play with the kid ' s crayons 我不是一個工作者,我認為由于沒有使用很多有效工具,所以我成功了。

How many crayons do you have 你有多少只蠟筆?

Colored paint as specified for marks . do not use crayons or markers 給定的彩色漆用于做標識,不準使用蠟筆或彩筆

Sarah , do you want some crayons 薩拉,你要蠟筆嗎

How many crayons do you have ? - - - - 你有多少支彩筆?

The child coloured in all the shapes on the page with a crayon 那孩子用蠟筆把這頁上所有的圖形都涂上了顏色