
crayfish n.=crawfish 1.


“ this defies survivability , it ' s bloody awesome , “ said police search and rescue senior sergeant bruce johnson . hewitt was found wearing only the bottom of his wetsuit and a yellow catch bag containing the remains of the crayfish and sea slugs that he had eaten during the ordeal , nzpa reported 報道還說,休伊特在獲救時所穿的緊身潛水服只剩下了下半身,而隨身攜帶的一個黃色收納袋里滿是小龍蝦等的殘渣剩骨,他就是靠吃這些東西才得以在海上極端惡劣的生存環境下死里逃生的。

Technical operation key point of the veterinary drug residue monitoring sampling plan in 2001 and operational measures of residue monitoring sampling were stipulated by moa ; ciq also set up various detailed sampling procedures for cattle , horses , sheep , pigs , chicken , rabbits , casings , eels , crayfish and honey respectively 農業部制訂了《 2001年度獸藥殘留監控抽樣計劃技術操作要點》和《殘留監控取樣實施方案》 ;原國家出入境檢驗檢疫局針對牛、馬、羊、豬、雞、兔、腸衣、鰻魚、小龍蝦和蜂蜜等不同產品制定了不同的、詳細的取樣程序。

The assembled heads of state or government from britain , canada , germany , italy , japan , russia and the united states joined chirac for crayfish , char - - lake trout - - from the nearby lake geneva , pigeon accompanied by new potatoes , assorted cheeses and a soft and creamy cake 來自英國、加拿大、德國、意大利、日本、俄羅斯和美國的國家首腦們享受了希拉克為他們準備的豐盛大餐:小龍蝦、臨近的日內瓦湖中的特產湖紅點鮭魚、鴿子肉配新鮮土豆、各式各樣的奶酪、還有松軟的奶油蛋糕。

The assembled heads of state or government from britain , canada , germany , italy , japan , russia and the united states joined chirac for crayfish , char - lake trout - from the nearby lake geneva , pigeon accompanied by new potatoes , assorted cheeses and a soft and creamy cake 來自英國加拿大德國意大利日本俄羅斯和美國的國家首腦們享受了希拉克為他們準備的豐盛大餐:小龍蝦臨近的日內瓦湖中的特產湖紅點鮭魚鴿子肉配新鮮土豆各式各樣的奶酪還有松軟的奶油蛋糕。

The red swamp crayfish , for example , has tucked into the paddy fields of the iberian peninsula with gusto , eating rice seedlings and burrowing into the banks of drainage channels , causing them to collapse 例如紅沼澤龍蝦,已經大量入侵了利比里亞半島的稻田,吞食稻苗并且在泄洪渠的堤壩上挖掘洞穴,導致了堤壩的坍塌。

A former new zealand navy diver left adrift at sea for three days survived by eating crayfish and sea slugs after he became separated from friends while diving near an island off the country ' s coast 一位新西蘭人幾天前與朋友們一起在一個小島附近海域進行潛水游戲時不幸失蹤。在經過了長達3天的海上漂流后終于獲救。

Crayfish , silverfish , catfish , octopus eel , anchovy , red shrimp , leather jacket , john dony , mahi mahi , monkfish , red gurnard , vannamei shrimp , todarades pacificus , loligo chinensis 淡水小龍蝦、銀魚、鲴魚、章魚、歐鰻、魚、紅蝦、馬面魚、鰍魚、海魴魚、安康魚、紅娘魚、南美對蝦、日本真魷、中國紅魷魚。

Another worry is that the red swamp invader has helped unleash a deadly fungal disease on native crayfish populations around europe ? a plague to which it is , itself , resistant 關于這種龍蝦的另一種擔憂是在它們有助于在歐洲大陸本土龍蝦間傳播一種致命的病毒,但是這種病毒對它們自身是免疫的。

Contents are likewise clear indicators of who ' s who by what ' s what : fish scales and crayfish parts suggest otter , says halfpenny in his field guide 同樣地,成份也是明顯指標,因為某些動物吃的就是某些食物,哈夫彭尼在他的野外指南寫道:如果內含魚鱗和螯蝦殼,表示是水獺的。

On their seats were boxed dinners containing schnapps , beer , pickled herring , new potatoes , goose , crayfish , red cabbage , brussels sprouts , and saffron buns 每個人的座位都有餐盒, ?面有香甜酒、啤酒、腌鯡魚、當?收成的馬?薯、淡水螯蝦、紅色?心菜、球芽甘?及番紅花面包。

Hewitt was found wearing only the bottom of his wetsuit and a yellow catch bag containing the remains of the crayfish and sea slugs that he had eaten during the ordeal , nzpa reported 報道還說,休伊特在獲救時所穿的緊身潛水服只剩下了下半身,而隨身攜帶的一個黃色

The verb “ to crawfish “ is unknown even to slang dictionaries , although it must derive from the crawfish , or crayfish , a reshwater crustacean 因為即便是在俚語詞典中,也看不到把“龍蝦“作動詞的用法。但可以肯定的是,這種用法跟那淡水殼類動物多少有點淵源。

Seafood processing factory with export licence and abalone and crayfish quotas . $ 700 , 000 plus extra investment to upgrade for export to china 鮑魚龍蝦出口配額的海鮮加工廠(出口許可證齊全) 。該廠將投資$ 700 , 000和一些額外資金用于產品到中國的出口。

The verb “ to crawfish “ is unknown even to slang dictionaries , although it must derive from the crawfish , or crayfish , a reshwater crustacean 看起來這個詞應該是總統獨家創造的。因為即便是在俚語詞典中,也看不到把“龍蝦“作動詞的用法。

If this explanation is right , the marbled crayfish will do very well for an indeterminate period , and will then suddenly vanish 如果這種解釋正確的話,這種兇殘的龍蝦將在某種不確定的區域生存的很好,隨后會突然消失的。

Brute mathematics predict the new species , known as the marbled crayfish , will outcompete the locals 通過數學計算預測,這種稱為殘酷的龍蝦的新物種將很快消滅本地的龍蝦。

Investigation on the simultaneous determination of lead and cadium in north - east crayfish by catalytic polarographic method 催化極譜法同時測定克氏螯蝦中的鉛鎘

Spiny lobsters are actually a type of crayfish and don ' t usually occur in british waters 這只大螯蝦與普通小龍蝦是“親戚” ,而且它隸屬的螯龍蝦種類在英國非常罕。

They are selling marbled crayfish by the condensed - milk - tin load along all the main roads from the city 他們在通往城市主要的街道上一車車大量出售這種龍蝦。