
crawl vi.1.爬;爬行;(車輛、病人等)慢吞吞地行進;(時間...


His face was white; not like another man's white, but a white to make a body sick, a white to make a body's flesh crawl . 他的臉是白的;可又不像別人的那么白法,簡直白得叫人看了難受,白得叫人看了渾身起雞皮疙瘩。

Small flames stirred at the bole of a tree and crawled away through leaves and brushwood, dividing and increasing . 小小的火苗在一株樹干上顫動著,又悄悄地爬過簇葉和灌叢蔓延開去,火勢在不斷增強。

Last summer i spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree . 去年夏天,我在花園里呆了數日,觀看成千上萬只螞蟻爬上我那棵出色的桃樹的樹干。

This effect is because the iris, crawled back into the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, interferes with drainage of aqueous humor . 這是因為虹膜退縮在眼前房內,妨礙了房水的引流。

It made sense to be cagey, even though crawling while carrying tools and explosives was awkward and uncomfortable . 還是小心謹慎點為妙,盡管帶著工具和炸藥在地上爬,行動不便而且很不舒服。

At this lou plunged in, “you see, alexandra, everybody who can crawl out is going away. “ 聽了這話,婁趁勢插話,“唔,這回你該明白過來了吧,亞歷山德拉。凡是能走掉的,都將離開這個地方。

Butterfly tries to crawl toward the child as pinkerton, ascending the hill, is heard calling her name . 蝴蝶掙扎著向兒子爬去。這時平克頓趕上山來,連聲叫喚蝴蝶的名字。

The night crawled slowly like a wounded snake, and the silence of a dead world was on the jungle . 夜象一條受了傷的大莽蛇慢慢地向前爬行著。整個叢林是一個死寂的世界。

There was often some crawling sneak who would not scruple to curry favour with misery by reporting the crime . 有些野心勃勃的卑鄙小人,為了巴結瘟神會昧著良心告密。

Several days more passed before johnson crawled on deck and went about his work in a half-hearted way . 又過了幾天,約翰生才踱上甲板來,沒精打采地做工。

I'm not a worm to crawl along the ground and give thanks to the foot that crushes me . 我不是一只小蟲子,在地上爬行,還要感激那把我踩爛的偉大萬能的腳。

This was a great relief, for they were very much fatigued and could scarcely crawl along . 這是一個很大的解脫,因為他們已經疲憊不堪,幾乎再也爬不動了。

Ahead of her, the street of grey mean little houses crawled endlessly . 在她前面,街道兩旁歪歪扭扭地排列著破爛不堪的灰蒙蒙的小房子,一眼望不到頭。

Before flashover occurs, a person in a burning room may crawl to safety along the floor . 閃燃發生前,著火房間里的人可沿著地板爬行到安全地帶。

He crawled to the roadside, and stretched out his limbs on the snow, with a deep sigh . 他爬到路邊,深深地吸了口氣,然后在雪地上把四肢伸開。

He crawled out from under the closest bottle brush, his hands full of black earth . 他從最近的那一叢灌木下爬出來,手上全是黑色的泥土。

A few young couples sit in the grass, infants crawling not too far from them . 有好幾對年輕夫婦坐在草地上,讓嬰兒在他們的身邊滾爬。

She gazed about their bedroom, and its dismalness crawled over her . 她掃視了一遍他們的臥室,一種陰郁沉悶的感覺在她心中油然而生。

Then babbitt saw professor pumphrey labouriously crawling up hill . 這時候,巴比特看到龐弗里教授正吃力地一步一步爬上坡。