
craven n.懦夫。adj.怯懦的,畏縮的,膽小的。 cry cr...


But this astute and practical man was almost an idiot when left alone to his own emotional life . he worshipped connie . she was his wife , a higher being , and he worshipped her with a queer , craven idolatry , like a savage , a worship based on enormous fear , and even hate of the power of the idol , the dread idol 但是這個銳利的實干家,一旦回到了他的個人感情生活時,他又幾乎成為一個白癡了,他把康妮象神一般地敬愛,她是他的妻,一個更高的生物,他以個崇拜偶象的心,奇異時卑賤地崇拜她,好象一個野蠻人,因為深怕甚至嫉恨神的權威而去崇拜神的偶像,一個可怖的偶像。

Examples of parks ' work have been included in the following publications : american art history and culture by wayne craven , a prominent art historian ; and donald martin reynolds , in his book masters of american sculpture , recognizes parks as being part of “ naturalism “ and it ' s “ indigenous strength within the tradition of american art which will not wither “ 例子公園的工作,已列入了以下出版物:美國藝術的歷史和文化的韋恩膽小鬼,著名美術史家;和唐納德馬丁雷諾茲,他在書中的主人翁美洲雕塑認識公園作為“自然“和“土著人的實力與傳統藝術,美國不會蔫“

Since moving to craven cottage , the portuguese international has developed a physical presence , a fact borne out by his haul of 55 tackles won this season , a figure only equalled at craven cottage by defender moritz volz 自從搬進克拉文農場(富勒姆主場)以后,這個葡萄牙人已經完全將他身體上的優勢發揮出來了,從這個賽季中制造出55次搶斷,在克拉文,這個數字完全可以和沃茨相比。

The west london team had just been promoted from the bottom tier when the egyptian businessman arrived at craven cottage in a horse - drawn carriage and promised journalists that his side would be playing in the premiership within five years 這家西倫敦球隊是在埃及商人乘馬車來到克拉文別墅的時候才有機會升級,他曾在記者面前保證福勒姆5年內將參加超級聯賽。

Happy to say , i never knew him . a craven who abandoned his post , said another - this monseigneur had been got out of paris , legs uppermost and half suffocated , in a load of hay - some years ago “一個放棄了自己崗位的膽小鬼, ”另一個說說活的大人是藏在一車干草里腳朝天離開巴黎的,幾乎給憋死了“是幾年前的事了。 ”

“ animals are every farmer ' s first priority , so it is important that they ' re given the best care , “ rural affairs television presenter john craven said , launching the project 公布這項計劃的農業電視主持人約翰克雷文說: “家畜動物對于農民朋友來說是最重要的,所以給予這些動物最好的照顧也就變得非常重要了。

“ animals are every farmer ' s first priority , so it is important that they ' re given the best care , “ rural affairs television presenter john craven said , launching the project 公布這項計劃的農業電視主持人約翰?克雷文說: “家畜動物對于農民朋友來說是最重要的,所以給予這些動物最好的照顧也就變得非常重要了。

The frenchman recently refused to sign a new contract which would have made him the highest paid player in fulham history , so it seems likely that he will leave craven cottage this year 這名法國人最近拒絕了富勒姆提供的一份創俱樂部歷史最高年新紀錄的新合同,看來今年他極有可能要離開克拉文農場了。

Despite struggling with relegation , fulham stunned west london rival chelsea 1 - 0 sunday at craven cottage . it was only chelsea ' s third league loss in 30 games this season 為保級而戰,富勒姆在主場克拉文農場(容量19161人) 1 : 0擊敗了西倫敦對手切爾西,這是切爾西本賽季30場聯賽的第3場失利。

The project gave children the opportunity to take part in educationalactivities at centres at stamford bridge , craven cottage and loftusroad 這計劃給予兒童在斯坦福橋、克拉文別墅和羅夫圖斯路的中心參與具教育意義的活動的機會。

Of him that walked the waves . here also over these craven hearts his shadow lies and on the scoffer s heart and lips and on mine 他的影子也投射在這些怯懦的心靈上,在嘲笑者的心坎和嘴唇上,也在我的心坎和嘴唇上。

Arsenal were surprisingly held 1 - 1 at home by birmingham city last week , but will expect to resume winning ways at craven cottage 阿森納上星期出人意料的在主場被伯明翰1 - 1逼平,但是仍期望在客場取勝。

Besides terrorists and assassins , mitch has to battle the new national director of intelligence , a craven , hypocritical man 除了恐怖分子和殺手,米基還得對付新任的國家情報主管,一個膽小偽善之人。

And they will come again and with a vengeance , no cravens , the sons of granuaile , the champions of kathleen ni houlihan 他們不是膽小鬼,而是葛拉紐愛爾458的兒子們,豁牙子凱思林459的斗士們。 ”

The chance for wright - phillips to score his first chelsea goal may come at craven cottage , if he is selected 小賴特-菲利浦斯為切爾西打進自己的第一個入球可能會在打富勒姆的比賽中,如果他選擇。

Tim howard turned in another fine performance , but was unable to prevent fulham beating everton at craven cottage 霍華德又一次有出色的表現,但是卻不能阻止富勒姆在克拉文別墅帶走3分。

The chance for wright - phillips to score his first chelsea goal may come at craven cottage , if he is selected 如果他被選上出場的話,賴特菲利普斯開齋的機會可能在克拉文別墅到來。

Not because ? of mature , smart ? or experienced ; but because i ' m knowing , craven and apathetic . how cruel ? could world be 不是因為成熟,精明,有見識,而是因為世故,膽小,冷漠。

“ i will be excited if she stays here , “ interrupted craven , his eyes beginning to look sparkling “如果她能留下來,我會很激動, “克來文插話,他的眼睛開始發光