
crave vt.1.切望,熱望,渴望。2.懇求,懇請,乞求。3.(...


Do not crave his delicacies , for that food is deceptive 不可貪戀他的美食,因為是哄人的食物。

You will enjoy developing the interpersonal expression you crave 你熱衷與對方的卿卿我我。

We ' ve been craving these burgers all night 我們整晚都在想這些夾肉餅

. . . you know , auntie ' s fist is craving for its next target 阿姨的拳頭已經找到下一個目標了

Don ' t know why i keep craving sour food 不知道為什么,我想吃酸的東西

A strong desire or inclination ; a yearning or craving 癮一種強烈的欲望或傾向;渴望或熱望

Paper - craving workshop : making wildlife at mai po 紙雕工作坊米埔動物篇

. . if i might crave the court ' s indulgence for a few moments 法庭能給我幾分鐘的時間嗎?

Kang ' s ghost is an apparition made out of craving for revenge 姜的鬼魂是渴望復仇的幻影

He had at last secured the position for which he craved 他終于獲得了他夢寐以求的職位。

However , some people crave just this sort of juxtaposition 然而,有些人渴望這種區分。

Yeah , i ' ve been craving burgers , too - - fur burgers 是的,我也一直都在想肉餅- -帶皮的那種

You know , auntie ' s fist is craving for its next target 阿姨的拳頭已經找到下一個目標了

People adore you , they crave your company , 大家都崇拜你,他們渴望與你作伴

If i might crave the court ' s indulgence for a few moments 法庭能給我幾分鐘的時間嗎?

Spare and have is better than spend and crave 節約與擁有勝過浪費與奢求。

I - i wake up in the middle of the night craving it 半夜里都會醒過來發瘋地渴望來一杯

Yeah , i ' ve been craving burgers , too - fur burgers 是的,我也一直都在想肉餅-帶皮的那種

Because they crave weakness - but that ' s wrong 因為她們渴望柔弱其實是錯的