
cravat n.(舊式)領帶;〔古語〕(男用)圍巾;三角繃帶;(女用...


Tess knew that it was impossible to go on with the swedes ; and by the time she had finished breakfast beside the solitary little lamp , marian arrived to tell her that they were to join the rest of the women at reed - drawing in the barn till the weather changed . as soon , therefore , as the uniform cloak of darkness without began to turn to a disordered medley of grays , they blew out the lamp , wrapped themselves up in their thickest pinners , tied their woollen cravats round their necks and across their chests , and started for the barn 苔絲知道,今天是不能挖瑞典蘿卜了她剛剛在那盞小小的孤燈旁邊吃完早飯,瑪麗安就走了進來,告訴她說,在天氣變好之前,她們得和其他的女工到倉庫里去整理麥草因此,等到外面黑沉沉的天幕開始變成一種混雜的灰色時,她們就吹熄了燈,用厚厚的頭巾把自己包裹起來,再用毛圍巾把自己的脖子和前胸圍起來,然后動身去倉庫。

Villefort stood watching , breathless , until his father had disappeared at the rue bussy . then he turned to the various articles he had left behind him , put the black cravat and blue frock - coat at the bottom of the portmanteau , threw the hat into a dark closet , broke the cane into small bits and flung it in the fire , put on his travelling - cap , and calling his valet , checked with a look the thousand questions he was ready to ask , paid his bill , sprang into his carriage , which was ready , learned at lyons that bonaparte had entered grenoble , and in the midst of the tumult which prevailed along the road , at length reached marseilles , a prey to all the hopes and fears which enter into the heart of man with ambition and its first successes 然后他轉過身來急忙去處理他留下來的那堆東西,把那黑領結和藍披風塞進旅行包的箱底里,把帽子仍進了黑洞洞的壁廚里,把手杖折成幾段,一下子投進了壁爐,然后戴上他的旅行便帽,叫仆人來,用眼色示意讓他不要提任何問題,付了飯店的賬,跳上那輛早已等候著的馬車里,他在里昂得知波拿巴已進入格勒諾布爾,沿途到處都是兵荒馬亂的,他終于到達馬賽,這個野心勃勃的人初嘗成功的喜悅,但同時,他心中又充滿了種種希望和憂慮。

This superintendent was a slim creature of thirty - five , with a sandy goatee and short sandy hair ; he wore a stiff standing - collar whose upper edge almost reached his ears and whose sharp points curved forward abreast the corners of his mouth - a fence that compelled a straight lookout ahead , and a turning of the whole body when a side view was required ; his chin was propped on a spreading cravat which was as broad and as long as a bank - note , and had fringed ends ; his boot toes were turned sharply up , in the fashion of the day , like sleigh - runners - an effect patiently and laboriously produced by the young men by sitting with their toes pressed against a wall for hours together 這位校長是個歲的瘦子,蓄著沙灘色的山羊胡和沙灘色的短頭發他穿著一副硬挺挺的衣服領子,領邊幾乎頂到他耳邊,兩個尖尖的領角順著脖子彎過來,到他的嘴角就像一堵圍墻似的,逼著他只能往前方看,每當他要看旁邊的時候,就不得不把整個身子都轉過來他的下巴托在一條寬大的領結上面,那個領結就像一張支票那樣又寬又長,周圍還帶有花邊。

Thus tess walks on ; a figure which is part of the landscape ; a fieldwoman pure and simple , in winter guise ; a gray serge cape , a red woollen cravat , a stuff skirt covered by a whitey - brown rough wrapper ; and buff - leather gloves . every thread of that old attire has become faded and thin under the stroke of raindrops , the burn of sunbeams , and the stress of winds 苔絲就這樣朝前走著她的身影只是大地景物的一部分一個穿著冬衣的單純素樸的農婦她上身穿一件灰色的嘩呢短斗篷,脖子上圍一條紅色的毛圍巾,下面穿一條毛料裙子,外面罩一條穿得泛白的棕色罩裙,手上戴一雙黃色手套。

Said albert gayly , arranging his cravat and wristbands , “ you are really most kind , and i hope you will consider me as under eternal obligations to you , in the first place for the carriage , and in the next for this visit , “ and he put out his hand to the count , who shuddered as he gave his own , but who nevertheless did give it 伯爵閣下, ”阿爾貝高興地說道,并整理了一下他的領結和衣袖, “您真的太好啦,我希望您能知道我是永遠感激您的。第一,為了馬車,第二,為這件事。 ”于是他把他的手伸給了伯爵,伯爵在把他的手伸出來的時候,全身打了一個寒顫,但他終于還是把手伸了出來。

But that trick took em to the graveyard , and the gold done us a still bigger kindness ; for if the excited fools hadn t let go all holts and made that rush to get a look we d a slept in our cravats to - night - cravats warranted to wear , too - longer than we d need em . 正是這個妙計把他們引到了墳地去,那袋金幣更是幫了我們的大忙。因為要不是那些激動的傻瓜松開了他們的手,涌上前去看一眼,那我們今晚上怕就要帶上大領結睡覺啦這個大領結還保證經久耐用,可我們只要帶上一次就完啦。 ”

His whiskers cut off , noirtier gave another turn to his hair ; took , instead of his black cravat , a colored neckerchief which lay at the top of an open portmanteau ; put on , in lieu of his blue and high - buttoned frock - coat , a coat of villefort s of dark brown , and cut away in front ; tried on before the glass a narrow - brimmed hat of his son s , which appeared to fit him perfectly , and , leaving his cane in the corner where he had deposited it , he took up a small bamboo switch , cut the air with it once or twice , and walked about with that easy swagger which was one of his principal characteristics . “ well , “ he said , turning towards his wondering son , when this disguise was completed , “ well , do you think your police will recognize me now . 胡子刮掉了,諾瓦蒂埃又把他的頭發重新整理了一下,然后,拿起一條放在一只打開著的旅行皮包上面的花領巾,打了上去,穿上了維爾福的一件燕尾服式的棕黑色的一衣,脫下了他自己那件高領藍色披風,在鏡子前面試,他又拿了他兒子的一頂狹邊帽子,覺得非常合適把手杖放在原先那個壁爐角落里,拿起一支細竹手杖,用他那有力的手虎虎地試了一下,這支細手杖是文雅代理法官走路時用的,拿著它更顯得從容輕快,這是他的主要特征之一。

He wore trousers of blue cloth , boots tolerably clean , but not of the brightest polish , and a little too thick in the soles , buckskin gloves , a hat somewhat resembling in shape those usually worn by the gendarmes , and a black cravat striped with white , which , if the proprietor had not worn it of his own free will , might have passed for a halter , so much did it resemble one 他的褲子是用藍布做的,皮鞋非常干凈,但擦得并不很亮,而且鞋跟略微太顯厚了一點兒戴著鹿皮手套一頂有點兒象憲兵常戴的那種帽子和一條黑白條紋的領結。這個領結如果不是主人愛惜的話,原本可以不用了。

At these words he rose , and put off his frock - coat and cravat , went towards a table on which lay his son s toilet articles , lathered his face , took a razor , and , with a firm hand , cut off the compromising whiskers . villefort watched him with alarm not devoid of admiration 他微笑了一下又說, “因此他就要改變他的相貌和穿著了,說著他走到放梳妝品的桌子前面,在臉上擦了一些肥皂,拿起一把剃刀,用一只結實的手刮掉那險些給他添麻煩的胡子,因為它們是給警務部留下了非常明顯的印象。

Then , noticing that julie was struck with the sound of his voice , - “ tell me , “ continued he , “ was he not about my height , perhaps a little taller , with his chin imprisoned , as it were , in a high cravat ; his coat closely buttoned up , and constantly taking out his pencil ? 然后,他注意到尤莉對他的口音已顯得出驚愕的表情,便又說道: “請告訴我,他的身材是不是和我差不多,或許略微高和瘦一點,脖子上綁一個大領結,密扣緊帶,手里老是拿著一支鉛筆? ”

Amid the conversation of the ladies , which still continued in front of the hearth , they both spoke in subdued tones , and , seeing them there with their white cravats and gloves , one might have supposed them to be discussing in chosen phraseology some really serious topic 太太們繼續圍著壁爐交談著,他們兩個人壓低了嗓門說話倘若她們看見他倆打著領帶,戴著白手套呆在那里,她們還以為他倆在一本正經地討論什么嚴肅的問題呢。

The lady always left first , and as soon as she had stepped into her carriage , it drove away , sometimes towards the right hand , sometimes to the left ; then about twenty minutes afterwards the gentleman would also leave , buried in his cravat or concealed by his handkerchief 那貴婦人先出去,出去的時候也總是戴著面紗,她跨上馬車,不是消失在街的這一頭,就是消失街的那一頭,約莫二十分鐘后,那位紳士也把臉埋在圍巾里離去。

The curtain at length fell on the performances , to the infinite satisfaction of the viscount of morcerf , who seized his hat , rapidly passed his fingers through his hair , arranged his cravat and wristbands , and signified to franz that he was waiting for him to lead the way 幕終于落了下來,馬爾塞夫子爵無限滿意,他抓起帽子,匆匆地用手捋了捋頭發,理了理領結和袖口,便向弗蘭茲示意,表示他正在等他領路。

This personage , who had taken the train at elko , was tall and dark , with black moustaches , black stockings , a black silk hat , a black waistcoat , black trousers , a white cravat , and dogskin gloves . he might have been taken for a clergyman 這個人是搭車到埃爾科車站去的,高個子,深褐色面孔,黑胡子黑襪子黑絲帽黑上衣黑褲子,系著一條白色領帶,戴著一雙狗皮手套,看起來象個神甫。

As he passed along towards saint antoine , he stopped at a shop - window where there was a mirror , and slightly altered the disordered arrangement of his loose cravat , and his coat - collar , and his wild hair 在去圣安托萬的路上他在一家櫥窗前站了站。那兒有一面鏡子,他略微整了整他歪斜的蝴蝶結外衣領子和蓬亂的頭發,便徑直來到德伐日酒店,走了進去。

He leaped towards a dressing - room near his bedroom , and in less than a moment , tearing off his cravat , his coat and waistcoat , he put on a sailor s jacket and hat , from beneath which rolled his long black hair 他跑到他臥室的一間更衣室里,不到一分鐘,就撕下他的領結上裝背心,穿上一件短褂和戴上一頂水手帽,水手帽底下露出他那又長又黑的頭發。

There was indignation in his hoarse bass voice but also a wheedling note . and scarlett teasingly clicked her tongue against her teeth as she reached out to pull his cravat into place 在他沙啞低沉的聲音里既有憤怒也有哄騙的調子,斯卡利特一邊調皮地用舌頭敲打著牙齒,一邊伸手把他的領帶拉整齊。

In the impression of average person , if discover in a company a flock of do not lay the cravat , person that wears recreational dress , think this is company of an united states probably 在一般人的印象中,假如在一家公司里發現一群不打領帶、身著休閑服裝的人,很可能認為這是一家美國公司。

The vest was of a rich scotch plaid , set with a double row of round mother - of - pearl buttons . his cravat was a shiny combination of silken threads , not loud , not inconspicuous 背心是用昂貴的蘇格蘭花呢做的,上面釘著兩排珠母圓扣,他的領結是發光的絲織品,顏色既不花俏,也不太素凈。