
crater n.1.火山口。2.〔C-〕【天文學】巨爵座;(月球上的...

crater wall

Often icy moons in the outer solar system boast large impact craters 通常太陽系外圍冰冷的月亮上有比較大的碰撞坑。

This computer - enhanced image shows victoria crater on mars 這張經過電腦放大的圖像展現的是火星上的維多利亞隕石坑。

Yellowstone , craters of the moon and great salt lake 6 - day bus tour 黃石公園月世界及大鹽漠舊金山灣區六日巴士團

Two explorers are silhouetted by the glow of lava in a volcanic crater 火山口噴起的熔巖漿映出了兩個探險者的身影

Explanation : what lies at the bottom of hyperion ' s strange craters 說明:土衛七奇異的隕石坑底,到底藏了些什麼?

Lava flowed out of the crater 噴火口流出了熔巖。

At the right is a close up . we can see both kinds of craters 右圖是月面特寫,可以清楚看到兩種不同的環形山。

Series blest crater test for longhole mining in dahongshau copper mine 大紅山銅礦中深孔采礦系列爆破漏斗試驗

It ' s got a crater in it now 不過是多了一個彈坑而已

And there were bomb craters everywhere .到處都是彈坑

Craters advanced party fought against men with hairy skins , 克拉特拉斯的前鋒與渾身長毛的人發生了戰斗

Craters of the moon national monument 月形坑國家自然保護區

Redwood and crater lake national parks 布萊斯和錫安國家公園

Process of crater formation upon electric discharge textured roll surface 毛化軋輥表面凹坑形成過程

What caused this unusual looking crater floor on mars 火星這個奇特的隕石坑底到底是怎麼形成的?

Or is titan simply an icy satellite pocked with craters 或者土衛六只是個坑坑疤疤的冰冷衛星?

The battlefield was full of craters made by exploding shells Crater也指彈坑戰場上布滿彈坑。

We ' d have to go on foot into the crater 我們必須步行進入火山口。

Barringer crater is 1 . 2km in diameter 巴林杰隕石坑的直徑有1 . 2千米。