
crate n.1.竹篾[柳條]籃[簍、筐];條板箱;一箱(60×3...


You even knew i ' dopen the crate 你甚至知道我會打開那個箱子

Click add to crate the component 單擊“添加”以創建該組件。

Ifwe shut the crate , the house will go back to normal 如果我們關上板條箱,這間房子就會回歸原樣。

Chicken feather duck went and checked lazy cat ' s bamboo crate 雞毛鴨找來懶懶貓的竹簍一看,哎呀!

Multiple controllers in a camac crate Camac箱中的多功能控制器

Crates often contain useful items 箱子里常常會有有用的道具。

Multiple controllers in a camac crate Camac系統內的多重控制器

Standard specification for steel or aluminum slotted angle crates 鋼或鋁有槽角度裝貨箱的標準規范

We get crates of it for free 我們有好幾箱狗屎蒸發,都是免費的

We ' re dead . we ' re never gonna get that crate shut 我們完了。我們永遠不可能關上那個板條箱了。

He improvised a bookcase out of crates 他用板條箱臨時做成書架。

They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon 他們這個下午賣掉了十箱礦泉水。

He improvised a bookcase out of crates 他用板條箱臨時制作書架。

The crew unloaded crates from the ship 船員們從船上卸下板條箱。

I think they have another crate in the galley 我想廚房里還有一箱

Who toid you to do that ? that crate was not to be opened 誰叫你這么做的?那個板條箱不能打開

Someone has sticked a label on the crate 有人在板條箱上貼了標簽。

Use your weapons to smash open crates 用你的武器來擊碎并打開箱子。

When you were a baby , she found you in a beat - up crate 當你還是嬰兒時她在江灘上的貧民窟里