
crassitude n.粗糙,粗厚;愚鈍。


This paper sets up the business mode system which is dominant by bpr in terms of the methodology of object - oriented , and this business mode system is composted by several granularity level model from crassitude to fine , and is described by the unified modeling language ( uml ) . bi the aspect of drcmis developing process methodology , both the conception of domain - specific software architecture ( dss a ) and component technology are play important role leave each other from macrocosm to microcosm angle of view 該模型體系的建立具有以下基本特征:以適應bpr為主導,以面向對象的分析與設計為基本建模方法,以uml為模型描述語言,以特定領域軟件體系結構( dssa )概念為整體開發方法,以組件為“應用工程”開發過程中應用域的主要劃分單位,以corba作為分布對象的集成標準。

An isolated point “ s statistic excluding method is proposed in this paper to eliminate crassitude error in clouding data , which include plenty of oddity data . the method based on the distance between two neighbour points can eliminate the data beyond normal distribution . a error limitation of angle and chordal highness method is used to filtrate clouding point 針對大量含奇異點的數據點云,本文提出了剔除粗大誤差的孤立點統計排異法,該方法根據對相鄰點距離的統計,剔除在正態分布以外的點;對大量數據的精減,利用角度和弦高的最大允許偏差法進行點云精減。

When ph value < 0 . 5 , faster deposition rate , faster growth rate of crystallizing nucleus , which causes bigger crystalline granularity and bad surface quality of the deposits such as crassitude or darkling Ph 0 . 5時,沉積速度過快,晶核成長速度快,晶粒粒度較大,鍍層表面粗糙、發黑,表面質量差。