
crass adj.1.〔書面語〕非常的,徹底的;〔古語〕粗厚的(麻...


Enough that in the present case , as in millions , it was not the two halves of a perfect whole that confronted each other at the perfect moment ; a missing counterpart wandered independently about the earth waiting in crass obtuseness till the late time came 我們知道的只是,在目前的事例中,就像在千百萬的事例中一樣,不是一個完美整體的兩個部分在一個完美的時刻互相碰到了一起而是與其相配的一半迷失了,孤零零地在世上漂泊,渾渾噩噩地等待著,一直等到先前那個時刻的到來。

They participated in the crass struggle , helped the government realize all kinds of political and economic policies , carried out the activities of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to the families of the army man and martyrs , helped the people produce and construct , trained large quantities of reserve force of the red army , helped the red army red guards and guerrilla forces safeguard the soviet government and the people , and supplied large quantities of good soldiers 他們參與階級斗爭,幫助政府實現各項政治經濟政策;開展擁軍優屬活動,幫助工農群眾進行生產建設;訓練和培養了大批紅軍后備力量,幫助紅軍、赤衛軍、游擊隊保衛蘇區政府和人民的安全,并為前線輸送了大量優秀戰士。

Christina aguilera was also in blackwell ' s fashion hall of shame . he called her a “ dazzling singer “ but added that she “ puts good taste through the wardrobe wringer . all crass and no class . 布萊克威爾稱她為“一個讓人眼花繚亂的歌手” ,不過又說她“全無穿衣品味,粗枝濫葉,毫無檔次” 。

These and many other suggestions - all sorts of devices for scamping and getting over the work - schemed out by crass and the other sub - foremen 諸如此類的建議- -各種馬虎了事和匆匆趕工的花招- -都是克拉斯和那些副工頭挖空心思想出來的。

Mitynan ' s odd proposals stand almost no chance of being passed by the city assembly . budapest mayor described the proposals as “ crass “ 密提南的奇怪規定應該很難在布達佩斯市議會通過。布達佩斯市長都批評他的建議實在“很蠢” 。

Was also in blackwell ' s fashion hall of shame . he called her a “ dazzling singer “ but added that she “ all crass and no class . 布萊克威爾稱她為“一個讓人眼花繚亂的歌手” ,不過又說她“全無穿衣品味,粗枝濫葉,毫無檔次” 。

In blackwell ' s fashion hall of shame . he called her a “ dazzling singer “ but added that she “ all crass and no class . 布萊克威爾稱她為“一個讓人眼花繚亂的歌手” ,不過又說她“全無穿衣品味,粗枝濫葉,毫無檔次” 。

Effects of ozone on activity of proteinase and amylase in intestine tissues in crass carp ctenopharyngodon idellus c . amp; amp; v . fingerling 鹽度對黃鰭鯛幼魚消化酶活性的影響及消化酶活性的晝夜變化

Hall of shame . he called her a “ dazzling singer “ but added that she “ all crass and no class . 布萊克威爾稱她為“一個讓人眼花繚亂的歌手” ,不過又說她“全無穿衣品味,粗枝濫葉,毫無檔次” 。

“ well you must admit that most of them are very inferior men , “ said crass with a self - satisfied air “可是,你總得承認,他們大多數人沒有什么技能, ”克拉斯帶著洋洋自得的口吻說。

“ yes , sir , “ responded crass , walking behind him obsequiously as he went out of the room “好的,先生, ”克拉斯隨聲附和著,當他往屋外走的時候,他畢恭畢敬地跟在他的后面。

This is the namu familiar to many chinese , a crass celebrity famous for her fame 這就是中國人熟知的娜姆,一個渾然不知,名聲在外的名人。

Tolerate them , not out of any sense of humanity but for crass self - interest 容忍他們,不是出于人性,而是為了極度的私利。

Debate about sensitive scientific issues needs to be forthright but not crass 討論敏感的科學問題,需要直爽而不是鹵莽。

I just think it ' s a dream to think politics is anything but crass 我倒覺得把政治想成是完全沒有粗野根本是在作夢。

Yes , it was a very good subject , said crass , with a sneer “是啊,這是一個非常精彩的題目” ,克拉斯冷笑著說。

Some have said it ' s a crass attempt by the network to market nostalgia . . 有人說是電視網愚蠢的炒冷飯

Don ' t talk to him : he ' s so crass 別跟他費口舌了,他太笨了

Some have said it ' s a crass attempt by the network to market nostalgia 有人說是電視網愚蠢的炒冷飯