
crasis n.(pl. -ses )1.(體質成分的)配合;體質,...


In analysis of paper , two aims about the research which includes environment protection and recreation civilization are important , therefore , the paper evaluates the actuality of sight about maofeng mountain and probability of development . at the same time , according to the new thought in planning , the paper brings forward the subject of development in maofeng mountain and the designing projects . the conclusion of this paper indicates that the crasis of several theories is feasible 為此,文章對帽峰山生態休閑帶的景觀現狀格局和該地區的生態休閑資源可開發性進行了評價,提出了帽峰山生態休閑帶的開發主題,并結合城市生態休閑帶規劃設計的新思路提出了帽峰山開發的目標和技術要求,從宏觀總體格局、中觀功能分區兩個級別提出了帽峰山生態休閑的規劃設計方案。