
crasher n.發猛烈聲音的東西,痛擊,猛撞;〔美俚〕擅自闖入者 (...


Robert lam s numismatics and philately exhibitions were literally “ door crashers “ within two months of our opening , we had to replace two of our glass doors broken by the crowd . while in traditional fisheries and farming displays , it was really encouraging to see older visitors who had experience in fishing or farming explain to their children how to operate the fishing junks or cultivate rice fields . observing the visitors response , i was deeply aware that a museum s success depended on its ability to reflect the life and experience of the audience , and i also fully realized how inadequate the museum facilities were at that moment 林秉輝最擅長的錢幣及郵票展覽固然哄動爆場(在開館兩個月內我們便要換掉兩扇被人群擠爆的玻璃門) ,而在傳統漁業及農業展覽中,看到年較長的觀眾自行向子女們講解他們以前怎樣從使漁業或農耕,深深地感受到反映生活、讓觀眾投入才是博物館成功的要訣。

Rule # 47 - if two rival crashers pick the same girl , the crasher with the least seniority will respectfully yield 如果兩個傲客要爭奪一個姑娘,資歷低的一定要有禮貌的相讓。

Okay . security , we have a party - crasher 好吧,保安,有人鬧場

About walking away ? never walk away on a crasher in a funny jacket 不要拋下衣冠不整的傲客

Rule 1 : never leave a fellow crasher behind 規則第一條:永不遺棄任何一個傲客伙伴