
crash vi.1.砰的碎掉,粉碎,嘩啦一聲壞掉;嘩啦啦地倒塌 (...

crash barrier

The crash reduces the population size toward the original level . 隨著暴跌,導致種群數量回到它的初始水平。

In general, there seemed to be four stages to the flush and crash . 一般說來,從暴長到破產經歷了4個階段。

News is coming in of a serious train crash in scotland . 剛剛收到的消息說,蘇格蘭發生火車撞車重大事故。

He went black in the face when i told him i had crashed his car . 我告訴他我把他車子毀了時他滿臉怒氣。

How did you manage to lose my husband and crash my jeep ? 你是怎么把我丈夫弄丟的?車子又是怎么撞壞的?

The many crashes on the icy roads told their own tale . 路上結冰發生多起撞車事故,路面情況已不言而喻。

Something crashed on the bed behind winston's back . 溫斯頓背后的床上有什么東西重重地掉在上面。

The separator whirred the agitator jarred and crashed . 分離器呼呼地轉,抖擻器震得嘩啦啦的響。

Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news . 編輯迅速將失事消息編入晚間新聞。

An enraged elephant crashed about in the undergrowth . 被激怒了的大象,在矮樹叢中東奔西竄。

The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap . 領先的那輛賽車在第十圈的中途撞毀了。

I began a crash course in politics and public affairs . 我開始突擊學習政治和公眾事務課程。

The car crashed into a tree . 車子猛撞在樹上。

The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed . 那輛敞篷汽車撞車時把司機拋出車外。

The wind howled, trees crashed and rain slashed down . 狂風怒吼,樹木倒折,雨水傾盆而下。

The plane crashed into the sea . 飛機墜入海中。

Seven people were killed when the airplane crash crashed . 這架飛機墜毀,機上有7人遇難。

His son was killed in an automobile crash a few days before . 他的兒子幾天前因車禍死了。

There was a loud crash of thunder . 打了個響雷。