
crape n.1.(喪服用的)黑紗,(帽子等上面的)黑喪章。2.縐...

crape hanger

A year had now elapsed since her sad marriage , but she had preserved sufficient draperies from the wreck of her then full wardrobe to clothe her very charmingly as a simple country girl with no pretensions to recent fashion ; a soft gray woollen gown , with white crape quilling against the pink skin of her face and neck , and a black velvet jacket and hat 自從她不幸的婚姻開始以來,已經過去一年了,但是在當時滿滿一柜新嫁娘衣服里,現在她保存下來的衣服,還是足夠她把自己打扮成一個美麗動人而又不追求時尚的樸素的鄉下姑娘。她穿的是一件淺灰色毛料長袍,在長袍的白色鑲邊的映襯下,她的臉和脖子的粉紅色皮膚更加艷麗了。

Two young , graceful women - ladies in every point - sat , one in a low rocking - chair , the other on a lower stool ; both wore deep mourning of crape and bombazeen , which sombre garb singularly set off very fair necks and faces : a large old pointer dog rested its massive head on the knee of one girl - in the lap of the other was cushioned a black cat 兩個年輕高雅的女子一一從各方面看都像貴婦人坐著,一個坐在低低的搖椅里另一個坐在一條更矮的凳子上。兩人都穿戴了黑紗和毛葛的重喪服,暗沉沉的服飾格外烘托出她們白皙的脖子和面孔。一只大獵狗把它巨大無比的頭靠在一個姑娘膝頭,另一個姑娘的膝頭則偎著一只黑貓。

A common street tree in hong kong , the tree is a captivating sight when pregnant with clusters of pink and purple petals . there are three stunning queen crape myrtles on campus ; one is on the slope of the institute of chinese studies and another beside the cheung chuk shan amenities building at united college 大學校園有三棵大葉紫薇長得最好,一在中國文化研究所的山坡,另一在聯合書院張祝珊師生康樂中心旁,以在崇基眾志堂后面的一棵最漂亮。

Kong ngee also cultivated its rank of new writing and directorial talent , as represented by chor yuen chu yuan , who worked as chun s assistant director on autumn comes to crape myrtle garden ziwei yuan de qiutian 1958 , and made his debut as director - cum - screenwriter with 而在編導的行列里,楚原曾在光藝時期師承秦劍,在紫薇園的秋天1958中任副導,并獨立編導湖畔草1959他其后活躍于影壇,是六七十年代橫跨國粵語片的一名中堅份子。

On repairing thither , i found a man waiting for me , having the appearance of a gentleman s servant : he was dressed in deep mourning , and the hat he held in his hand was surrounded with a crape band “不錯,先生,但那已是很久以前了,而且當時的情況不同。現在要是我無視她的心愿,我會不安心的。 ”

He was punctual , dressed in black , with crape around his hat , and presented himself at his cousin s with a face made up for the occasion , and which he could alter as might be required 他很守時,穿著黑衣服,手臂上纏著黑紗,帶著一副根據情況需要而隨時可以變化的面孔去見他的堂兄。

I remember her appearance at the moment - it was very graceful and very striking : she wore a morning robe of sky - blue crape ; a gauzy azure scarf was twisted in her hair 我還記得她那時的樣子優雅而出眾。她穿著一件天藍的皺紗睡袍,頭發上纏著一條青色薄紗頭巾。

Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind . the blinds of the avenue passed and number nine with its craped knocker , door ajar . at walking pace 馬路旁的百葉窗向后移動;門環上蒙著黑紗的九號4那半掩著的大門,也以步行的速度過去了。

A man in a buff suit with a crape armlet . not much grief there . quarter mourning 有個身穿一套淡黃色衣服的男子,臂上佩帶著黑紗。

He wore crape as a sign of mourning 他戴著黑紗表示哀悼。

He too looked down at the crape round his hat and replied - 他也低頭瞧了一下圍在帽上的黑紗,并回答道:

Her hair was craped by her maid 她的頭發是她的女仆所卷的。

People wore crapes to mourn our leader 人們戴著黑紗哀悼我們的領導。

Loading platforms . crape - pallets for general use 裝料臺.一般用途crape托盤