
crap n.擲雙骰子〔一種賭博〕;(擲輸的)一擲。(-pp-)〔...


Tromboning - - jacking off when you ' re taking a crap 拉管呢?大便的時候手淫?

They do stupid crap like this to feel special 他們做這種蠢事以讓自己感覺與眾不同

- oh , my god . - dalton , did you crap your pants again -我的天啊-道頓,你又拉屎啦?

Iot ' s not like io ' m asking you to eat my crap . - no -我又不是叫你吃我大便. -不

- looking good . - you pull that crap one more time . . -看起來不錯-你再使那種陰招. .

So what ? i ' m just supposed to put up with her crap 那怎么辦?我只好穿她買的垃圾?

Don ' t never shoot craps on a white woman ' s grave 永遠不要把骰子扔進白人女人的洞里

For letting people treat me like crap all the time 所以我動不動對自己發脾氣

I ' m the one who ' s stuck driving this piece of crap 我才是駕駛這輛廢鐵的人。

Son , all that crenshaw crap kills the resale 兒子,所有這些花里胡哨都拖累它的銷量

Let ' s clear all this crap off the kitchen 讓我們把廚房里所有的垃圾清理掉吧。

I put up with the crap there oniy because of you 我忍了這么些年都是為了你!

Sleep outside and crap in a bush 睡在灌木叢里,還時不時飄來動物糞便的味道?

Not the kind with the canned filling crap 我要的可不是里面充滿罐頭食品的垃圾

It ' s not like i ' m asking you to eat my crap . - no 我又不是讓你吃我的屎-不

Hey , our enemy is playing disgusting romantic crap 喂,敵人太惡心了竟然搞浪漫!

- it ' s not like i ' m asking you to eat my crap . - no -我又不是讓你吃我的屎-不

Crapped out on me a half - hour ago . not even static 半小時前壞的.連雜訊都收不到

Sure . - not the kind with the canned - filling crap 當然有-不是罐裝餡料的那種垃圾