
cranny n.裂縫,隙縫。 search every cranny...


Based on the biot ' s effective stress theory , and with the method of numerical value experiment , the thesis has studied the microcosmic mechanism of affecting the effective stress coefficient , i . e the microcosmic mechanism of effective stress law by using the elasticity distortion ' s simulating software which is compiled with the method of finite elements . it has been done from the two aspects of affecting the elasticity distortion of rock comprising the insides causation which is the existing configuration of hole and cranny in rock and the outsides causation include the outside pressure and the liquid pressure inside the rock 本文基于比奧的有效應力原理,利用有限單元法的彈性變形模擬軟件,通過數值實驗的方法,從影響巖石變形的內、外兩方面的因素?即內在孔隙裂隙賦存形態和其所受的外載荷及孔隙流體壓力出發,研究了影響有效應力系數變化的細觀機理,即有效應力規律的細觀機理。

At the meantime , the rock mass may alternate between loading and unloading and it exists in certain kind of liquid , such as surface water , unconfined water , confined water etc for its intrinsic crannies . the practical rock mass concerned project must solve the key stability pr oblem after the understanding of the complicated mechanical characteristic and the deformation trends to guide the following project design and construction for the demand of security , economy , feasibility and validity . however , the intrinsic nonlinearness and complexity of the engineering rock mass become the main difficulty to predict the stability and deformation , the corresponding structure design must ensure enough safety with all the determinate or random force combination , so a model without the geometry distortion and constitutive equation warp is necessary to be built for the quantificational analysis of practical structure ' s stress , for the simulation of the real process and for the determinate evaluation system and optimization 由于實際工程巖體其固有的非線性和復雜性,使得求解對應的諸如其穩定性、變形等問題面臨較大的困難,而有關的工程結構的設計必須保證該結構在外來因素的作用下具有足夠的安全度、經濟性和合理性,這必然要求對巖體及其工程結構的受力與變形有一套量化評判體系和優化技術,抓住實際工程問題的本質特征并建立可行的符合幾何仿真、本構仿真、受力仿真、過程仿真四原則的求解模型,通過該模型的數值模擬成果來指導巖體工程的設計、施工及運營、管理;而巖體結構面的存在使得基于傳統連續介質力學理論的理論分析和數值模擬面臨巨大的挑戰,物理模擬的試驗周期和成本也大大增加,而巖土體工程問題則成為典型的數據有限、了解程度有限類問題,這類問題的解決需要綜合應用理論分析、經驗判斷、物理模擬和數值模擬等方法,數值模擬可以完成目前許多技術手段無法完成的實驗,如參數控制,復雜條件下的邊界條件的處理,同時數值模擬具有高可重復性,且數值模擬的成本和人力開銷等遠低于物理模擬,因此研究巖土體工程問題的流形元數值模擬方法是一項具有理論和實際工程應用價值的重要課題。

The author establishes three - dimensional topographty model through three - dimension reconstruction method in computer vision using two uncalibrated photos . then the author measures parameters of structural plane and length of cranny by theory above which improves working environment and can be used on site 本文通過未標定的兩幅照片,采用計算機視覺的理論方法對地形地貌進行三維重構,從而建立其三維地形模型,并在三維重構的基礎上,對結構面的產狀,裂隙的長度進行測量,極大的改善了工作環境,有著良好的前景和現實意義。

Many academicians researched their formation and accumulation mechanism and put forward manifold mechanisms , including the special mechanism of minority liquid molecular controlling the accumulation of lens reservoir by unknown gravitation , difference between liquid pressure compelling hydrocarbon to accumulate firstly in the lens reservoir , along cranny in the case of hydrocarbon replacing pore water in the lenticular body under capillary pressure , difference breakthrough employing hydrocarbon entering lens reservoir and so on 國內外學者提出了多種成藏機制,包括未知重力運動機制作用下,少數流體分子的個別特性控制透鏡狀砂巖油藏聚集;毛細管力作用下油氣替換透鏡體中的孔隙水;烴濃度差是油氣向砂體運移的主要動力;流體壓力差使油氣首先沿著裂隙向砂巖透鏡體中運移、聚集而成藏;差異突破作用使砂巖透鏡體成藏等。

Before backbone nerve , hind the is highlighted by film of spinal cord stiff backbone and arachnoid bursa more scabbard place when the root walks out of vertebra to be in charge of is wrapped by , call backbone film sleeve , the clearance between two scabbard and arachnoid next antrum are interlinked , nerve root is complete dip in cerebrospinal fluid , from this before , hind two wear film of classics stiff backbone severally , the scabbard that forms for stiff backbone film respectively laps , the fu in two by there is one cranny to call backbone film pocket between putamen , this scabbard is wrapped by hind the backbone ganglion of the root 脊神經前、后根走出椎管時多被脊髓硬脊膜及蛛網膜囊突出的鞘所包被,稱為脊膜袖,兩鞘之間的間隙和蛛網膜下腔相通,神經根完全浸于腦脊液中,自此前、后兩根各自穿經硬脊膜,并分別為硬脊膜形成的鞘包裹,在兩根的覆被硬膜之間有一裂隙稱為脊膜囊,此鞘并包被后根的脊神經節。

The authors studied the characteristics of element geochemistry , mineral assemblage and microtexture of the white reticulate clay in the quaternary laterite of the dongting basin with some experimental analysis methods , such as chemical analysis , x - ray diffraction analysis , ir and sem analysis . the genesis of the vermiculate reticulate clay and the rhizomatic reticulate clay in the quaternary laterite of the dongting basin are discussed . the formation of crannies or holes in the soil and the transference of soil elements are absolutely necessary conditions to form the white reticulate clay in laterite 在野外考察的基礎上,運用化學全量分析x射線衍射分析紅外光譜分析和掃描電鏡微形貌分析等實驗方法和手段,對洞庭盆地第四系紅土地層中網紋的元素地球化學礦物組合特征和微形貌特征進行了系統研究,對洞庭盆地紅土地層中2種主要的網紋類型蠕蟲狀網紋和根狀網紋的成因進行了探討。

The intense eluviation and weathering of soil with groundwater and run - off result in the enhancing of capacity of transference of some elements , such as si , al , fe , mn . the chemical reactions of the colloid particles in the soil water make those crannies or holes filled by some epigenetic clay minerals and quartz . then a great deal of white reticulate clay comes into being in the quaternary laterite of the dongting basin 地下水和地表水強烈的淋溶作用使土壤中硅鋁鐵錳等元素的遷移能力增強,土壤膠體粒子之間的化學反應,使得這些孔隙空間在后期逐漸被次生黏土礦物和石英所充填,最終,在洞庭盆地第四系紅土地層中形成大量的蠕蟲狀和根狀白色網紋。

It may be useful to deepen the related study . in this thesis , some contents are studied as follows : ( 1 ) fractal characters of china coastline , mountain ridges , faults are studies roundly , including the fractal demarcating of the length of continental coastline of china , the spatial change of fractal dimensions of coastline from north to south of china , spatial relations of fractal dimensions of china coastline , mountain ridges , faults , etc . ( 2 ) fractal characters of china earthquakes , landslides and mud flow are studies roundly too , including the spatial relations of fractal dimensions of them , etc . ( 3 ) the fractal mechanism of china coastlines are discussed in different scales , including the pattern of the controlling effect of faults , crannies , etc . in a word , fractal characters of china main geomorphologic phenomena and geological disasters are studied in this paper , it is useful to deepen the related studies , and explore possible ways of geographical innovation of china 概而言之,本項研究對可以稱得上是一個典型研究區域的中國主要地貌與主要地質災害中可能存在的分形現象進行了系統探討,并以分維為中介參數對中國主要地貌與主要地質災害以及二者之間的空間關系進行了探討,從而在廣度上在一定程度上豐富了中國地學分形研究的基本素材,在一定程度上也填補了對中國中觀地學現象分形研究的空白;同時,本項研究還選擇了分形研究領域里最傳統、博士學位論文摘要最具代表性的海岸線為突破口和創新點,探討了中國海岸線分形性質的存在機制問題,研究了不同尺度下構造與物質組成對中國海岸線分形性質的影響,從而在深度上在一定程度上深化了傳統的分形研究,在實現地學分形研究從現象揭示到機制探討的轉變方面進行了率先的探索。

It was the same insularity of mind that made the ancient jew thank god he was not born a woman , and sent the modern missionary god - substituting to the ends of the earth ; and it made ruth desire to shape this man from other crannies of life into the likeness of the men who lived in her particular cranny of life 正是同樣的偏狹心理使古代的猶太人因為自己未曾生為女人而感謝上帝使現代的教士到天涯海角去做上帝的代有人使露絲要求把這個從生活另一角落來的人物接她自己那特定的生活角落里的人的樣子加以塑造。

Seismic wave field feature of ordovician carbonate karst reservoir ( cave , reef , hole , crack and cranny ) in tahe oil field is the difference magnitude diffraction wave over weak reflection amplitude , so , the diffraction wave exact imaging and fidelity amplitude processing is the basic of carbonate karst reservoir study 摘要塔河油田巖溶儲集體(洞穴、礁灘、孔洞、裂縫或裂隙等)的地震波場特徵是弱反射背景之上的強弱不同的繞射波,因此,繞射波準確歸位成像和振幅保持是研究巖溶儲集體的基礎。

In consideration of the penetrative cranny in the soil , the volumetric strain model was established by discrete element method , according to the strains of penetrative marine soft clay and the volumetric strain , based on the definition of permeability and porosity , dynamic models of physical parameters were established 結合土顆粒和土體骨架應變,從土的孔隙率和滲透率的定義出發,推導出沉貫過程中筒內海積土物性參數的動態模型。

Using a suite of sophisticated techniques , a team of international scientists has spent the last two years measuring nooks and crannies all over earth , noting how they have changed and comparing the new measurements with those taken in 2002 由世界各地科學家組成的小組使用一套尖端技術歷時兩年對地球上所有凹處和裂縫進行了測量,注意到他們的變化,并將新測量的結果與2002年的測量結果進行了比較。

The formation of crannies of the vermiculate reticulate clay results from the stratigraphical pressure and the seasonal fluctuating of the groundwater level . the formation of holes of the rhizomatic reticulate clay results from the decomposition of the botanic roots 蠕蟲狀網紋孔隙空間的產生是由于地層靜壓力和地下水位季節性變化造成的,而根狀網紋的孔隙空間則是植物根系腐爛分解后提供的。

Three pressure regulating measures , namely the application of pressure regulating air chamber to balance the air pressure of burning section , increasing the air pressure of the working face , and filling the surface crannies , are very effective in preventing and extinguishing the fire 該技術包括利用調壓氣室平衡火區風壓、提高工作面風壓和堵塞地表裂隙3項調壓措施,其防滅火效果十分顯著。

Had she been fourteen instead of twenty - four , she might have been changed by them ; but she was twenty - four , conservative by nature and upbringing , and already crystallized into the cranny of life where she had been born and formed 她老是十四歲而不是二十四歲便會因之而改變信念,但是她已經二十四歲,由于天性和教養,她的性格保守,早已在她所出生和成長的角落里定了形。

Based on the relation of permeability with geo - sress , depth , cranny , reservoir stress , hydrogeology which is analyzed by former , it is pointed out that the most important and extensive factors are geo - stress and depth 摘要在前人分析滲透率與地應力、埋深、裂隙、儲層壓力和水文地質條件等相互關系的基礎上,指出影響煤儲層滲透率最普遍和主要的因素是地應力和埋深。

It is important to measure parameters of structural plane and length of cranny . traditional means waste too much manpower , material resources , and financial because people must measure on site 在工程勘查中,結構面產狀的測量,裂隙長度的測量都是非常重要的,傳統方法是人到工程現場直接進行測量,這樣會浪費大量的人力,物力,財力。

While i may examine the nooks and crannies of sax in tips much further down the line , i m trying to ground you in sax and give you the most commonly - used tools , rather than bore you with esoterica 雖然我可能會在技巧中繼續分析sax的一些細節,但是我會盡可能為您打下sax的基礎,并為您介紹最常用的工具,而不是用一些秘籍來令您生厭。

When the actors fan out into every nook and cranny - sometimes merging together to impersonate coaches or even walls - bodies and light sculpture the large space until a vanished england falls into place 演員們從每個角落和縫隙進出,有的甚至拼在一起用扮演沙發或者墻,形體和燈光在巨大的空間里雕刻出一個消失的英格蘭。