
cranky adj.(-ier; -iest)1.胡思亂想的;瘋狂的...


Martin found himself shaking hands with a cranky - eyed , bald - headed man , whose face looked youthful enough from what little could be seen of it , for most of it was covered by a snow - white beard , carefully trimmed - by his wife , who did it on sundays , at which times she also shaved the back of his neck 馬丁發現和自己握手的是一個目光閃爍不定的禿頭。那人臉上看得見的部分顯得年輕大部分面孔都叫雪白的胡須遮住了。那胡須修剪得很仔細是他的妻子星期天修的,她也修剪了他的后頸窩。

Her widowed father yearns to travel but won t , so to inspire the old man she sends his garden gnome on a tour of the world ; with whispered gossip , she brings together two cranky regulars at her caf ; she reverses the doorknobs and reprograms the speed dial of a grocer who s mean to his assistant 首先冒寫情書,為終日憶念負心亡夫的妻子填補空虛,跟著替人撮合姻緣,為果販伙計出口氣憑著她的小聰明和愛心,愛美麗如天使般游走于各人的生命,將歡樂獻給每一戶人家。

When i ' m having trouble with a story and think about giving up , or when i start to feel sorry for myself and think things should be easier for me , i roll a piece of paper into that cranky old machine and type , word by painful word , just the way my mother did 每當我寫文章遇到困難想打退堂鼓時,或是自嘆不走運時,我就往那臺破舊的打字機里卷進一張紙,像媽媽當年一樣,一個字一個字吃力地打著。

When i ' m having trouble with a story and think about giving up , or when i start to feel sorry for myself and think things should be easier for me , i roll a piece of paper into that cranky old machine and type , word by painful word , just the way mother did 每當我寫文章遇到困難想打退堂鼓時,或是自嘆不走運時我就往那臺破舊的打字機里卷進一張紙,像媽媽當年一樣,一字一字吃力的打著。

For a while there was a running joke in the project about “ 88 - itis “ - it seemed that everyone who worked on implementing the jsr - 88 deployment specification started talking in tongues and rapidly became very cranky 項目過程中曾經流傳著一個關于“ 88 - itis ”笑話為實現jsr - 88部署規范的每個工作人員開始都用各自的方言交流,然后很快就變得混亂起來。

They may be cranky , moody and not as much fun to be with . smoking is not sophisticated and stylish . it gives you wrinkles , stained teeth , fingers and nails , stinky hair and clothes , bad breath and ill - health 吸煙可不是世故和時髦的表現,反而會令你的皮膚起皺紋、牙齒、手指和指甲熏污、頭發和衣物發臭、口腔發出口氣及健康受損。

If the cranky believe the latter and the experts the former , the result will be wearisome online editing wars before something approaching the academic mainstream consensus gains the weight it should 若怪人信任后者而專家相信前者,在通過獲得學術上的主流意見真相增加其理因得到的影響力之前,其結果將是乏味的在線編輯大戰。

Hours after headlines blared with the news of the impending asset takeout battle , china netcom issued a cranky statement saying it would not countenance a change in the ownership structure 這場即將開始的資產爭奪大被以頭條新聞宣布的幾小時后,中國網通作出了一條令人不解的聲明,稱它不會支持所有權結構上的任何變化。

“ the unfortunate circumstances - if you had chanced here any other day , “ mr . ford began suavely , only to be interrupted by mr . ends , whose cranky eyes justified themselves in his shortness of temper “情況太不巧了,你哪天來都”福特先生彬彬有禮地說,卻叫恩孜先生打斷了。恩孜先生的急躁脾氣證實了他那急躁的眼神。

And then hes cranky and moody , and he doesnt want to talk to you . it may not be your fault . but then you say , if you dont care about me , why should i care about you 不過,明天發生了一些事情,使得他心情煩躁悶悶不樂,又不想和你講話,不一定是你的錯,而你卻說:如果你不在乎我,那我又何必在乎你!

Happy thoughts can stimulate creatiity , but for mundane work such as plowing through databases , being cranky or sad may work better 誠然快樂的心情能夠激勵人們產生創造性,但是就世俗的工作如搜索數據庫而言心情急躁或憂愁可能會工作得更好。

Hi ! sorry , my computer is cranky so i have to use another one . . . which doesn ' t allow me to type in chinese . . . . so please translate for me ! 嗨!很抱歉,我的電腦怪怪的,所以我得用另外一臺,它沒辦法輸入中文,所以請幫我翻譯一下! !

It was a new idea then and many politicians and army medical men felt it was revolutionary and positively cranky 這在當時是標新立異的,許多政客和軍醫都覺得這過于出格同時又是稀奇古怪的。

“ you may depend upon it , they ' re a cranky lot , the forsytes and you ' ll find it out as you grow older ! “的的確確,福爾賽家的人都是些神經病你年紀大一點就會懂得。 ”

Gemini : engages in intellectual conversations with the older relatives until they become cranky with confusion 雙子:忙著和長輩談天論地,直到連他們自己也被搞懵了。

By now art was gettting a little cranky . “ what special person ? “ he asked the voice 事到如今,阿特感到有點蹊蹺,不禁問那聲音: “什么特別的人? ” 。

Here s a rahm , he said , at last , flinging back a cranky board on hinges “這兒有間屋子, ”終于,他突然擰著門軸推開一扇有裂縫的木板門。

Especially since he still has that creaky , cranky back to deal with 尤其令人欣喜的是,說這話的人還是一個后腰不那么靈光的病秧子。

You jerk me around on this , and i ' m going to get cranky right in your face 如果你在這件事上耍我,我會立刻當面給你好看。