
cranium n.(pl. -nia ) 【解剖學】顱,頭顱(=bra...


We have many grandparents to these sorts of children in our program ; the head almost appears two times larger than the rest of the body , with wide set eyes and a square cranium with a large enough space to hold the much larger pituitary and pineal glands 在我們的項目里有許多這種孩子的祖父母;頭顱幾乎比所依靠的身體大出兩倍,帶著寬寬的一對眼晴和一個正方形的頭蓋骨,有一個足夠大的空間來掌握大得多的腦垂體和松果腺。

The right temporal lobe of the hollow sphere of his cranium came into contact with a solid timber angle where , an infinitesimal but sensible fraction of a second later , a painful sensation was located in consequence of antecedent sensations transmitted and registered 他的天靈蓋右顳葉碰著了堅硬的木材犄角,在微乎其微卻能有所察覺的幾分之一秒后,產生了疼痛感。這是一剎那之前傳達因而覺察到的結果。

Sometimes the back of the cranium is more greatly enlarged than the front for new children of this genetic level 有時候這個基因層次的新小孩們的頭蓋骨之背部要比前面大得多。

The damage pattern of left temporal lobe brain tumor and cranium basal tumor on the wechsler adult intelligence scale 左顳葉和顱底占位性病變在韋氏智力量表中的損害模式

A cranium bone which proves every part of the demon is useful . adds + 3 armor and + 3 to all stats 一個用來證明惡魔的每個部位都有用的頭骨。增加3點裝甲與3點全部屬性。

In my cranium , but i m stuck with a crazy mom ( “ is she really on as much dope as you say she s on ? “ ) 說不出有多愛像沙灘親吻著海是真心是等待天長地久是我期盼的未來

Or will they learn to enjoy the taste of human cranium ? only one way to find out . . 生死對立正邪交鋒,泰國的這班滅sars英雄一出,沙士紅火蟻禽流感都要行埋一邊。

Treatment of cerebral hemorrhage by removing intractanial hematomas through drilling cranium operation 錐顱抽吸血腫腔引流治療自發性小腦出血46例臨床分析

The largest part of the brain immediately beneath the bones of the cranium is the cerebral cortex 緊貼在頭蓋骨下方的大腦的最大的部分就是大腦皮層。

Foramen magnum cranium 枕骨大孔

A thin cover of skin , called the scalp , covers most of the cranium 而頭皮,即一層薄薄的皮膚,則覆蓋在頭蓋骨之上。

Craniofacial : of or involving both the cranium and the face 顱面的:屬于顱骨和臉面的或與顱骨和臉面有關的

- right there in the cranium . - marty , stop -傷口還在臉上-馬蒂住嘴

Right there in the cranium . - marty , stop 傷口還在臉上-馬蒂住嘴

Experimental study on ultrasonic wave absorption of animal cranium 動物顱骨對超聲波的吸收率

Cranium macao commercial offshore company ltd Cranium澳門離岸商業服務有限公司

A brainiac , with a cranium packed , full of more uranium 你和我在一起快樂多過眼