
craniotomy n.(pl. -mies) 【醫學】顱骨切開術;穿顱術。


This is the first study on the microsurgical anatomy of the erssma . . the part 1 of this study stressed on the craniotomy device of the retrosigmoid aproach to improve the operating skills . part 2 aimed at the safety and feasibility of the erssma . part 3 deal with the microanatomy of the rssma and it ' s effectiveness of it ' s exposure to the middle fossa and the superior clivus 擴大乙狀奏后經內耳孔上人路顯槽外科解剖學系列研究中文柄耍本題第一部分對乙狀竇后入路的骨瓣設計進行改良研究,以改進乙狀竇后入路的開顱技術;第二部分研究擴大乙狀竇后經內耳孔上入路的安全性和可行性。

A conventional craniotomy in china now costs at most rmb several thousands . however , a conventional craniotomy has to entail other fees , such as , medicine fees , check fees , hospitalization fees , nursing fees , nutrition fees and a considerable sum of fees due to loss of work for a long time after operation 實施開顱手術,目前國內費用不超過幾千元,但開顱手術同時還必須支付許多其它的費用,如藥費檢查費住院費護理費康復期間的營養費等,此外還有較長時間誤工的費用,綜合起來,就是一筆不小的支出。

Part i the study on the surgical anatomy of the retrosigmoid and the improvement of the craniotomy skills objective to improve the craniotomy skills of the retrosigmoid approach and to find a safer , fast , more effective and less postoperative complication method 第一部分乙狀竇后入路外科解剖學及開顱技術改進的研究目的:對乙狀竇后入路的骨瓣設計進行改良研究,尋找一種安全、快速、有效、并發癥少的骨瓣開顱技術。

According to statistics , a gamma knife brain surgery costs slightly higher than a conventional craniotomy comprehensive cost in the remote and backward regions while the former costs almost as same as the latter in the off - shore and developed regions in china 國內有人作過統計,在邊遠落后地區,頭部伽瑪刀治療費用要略高于開顱手術的綜合費用,在沿海發達地區,頭部伽瑪刀治療費用同開顱手術的綜合費用大致相當。

Methods a total of 10 cadaveric heads ( 20 sides ) stepwise dissection was performed with the aid of surgical microscope ; pterional craniotomy was performed in 34 cases and transzygomatic craniotomy performed in 11 cases , dealing with the temporal region with certain techniques 方法尸頭10個( 20側) ,在手術顯微鏡下逐層解剖;在34例翼點開顱和11例經顴開顱手術中,運用特定的技術解剖顳區。

Conclusion : in the craniotomy of the retrosigmoid approach , the lateral two hole should devised lateral and inferior to the asterion and fissure of the occipital - mastoid at the fundus of mastoid . it is a safe and fast drilling method N 、 t擴大乙狀竇后經內耳孔上入路顯微外科解剖學系列研究中文揚要枕乳縫乳突基底外下方為鉆孔點是安全、快速的方法。

Frontal craniotomy complicated with sinusitis and cutaneous fistula may lead to a great challenge of plastic surgeons due to large defect of composite tissue loss with erosion of frontal bone 摘要前額開顱術若損傷了額竇,可能引發額竇炎或表皮屢管,進一步造成大范圍組織缺損,這對重建手術來說是極大的挑戰。

Twenty - three eases received micro - inrasive survey to evacuate of intrancranial hematomas ( micro - invasire group ) , 24 cases received craniotomy to evacuate the hematomas ( craniotomy group ) , their curative effect were investigated 結果兩組患者總體治愈率、并發癥發生率、死亡率相近,差異無統計學意義。

In this case report wewould like to highlight how to accurately and quickly diagnose andmanage the ett kinking intraorallywhile craniotomy was in process under anesthesia 這篇病例報告強調于神經麻醉過程中,尤其是開顱手術,如何正確且快速診斷及處理口腔內氣管內管彎折的情形。

Concllusions intraoperative hypothermia did not improve the neurokogic outcome after craniotomy among good - grade patients with aneurysmak subarachnoid hemorrhage 結論術中低體溫并不能改善蛛網膜下腔出血、分級良好病人顱骨切開術后的神經系統轉歸。

He received craniotomy for partial resection of the tumor and the nature of the tumor was proved to be germinoma , histologically 經病理報告實為顱內胚細胞后,施以劑量全腦放射線治療,并于原病灶以三維空間順形放射線治療方式補強劑量。

Comparison of curative effect and analysis of influencing factors in patients with basal ganglion hemorrhage treated with traditional craniotomy and mini - invasive operation 基底節腦出血微創手術和傳統開顱術的療效比較及影響因素分析

Microsurgical treatment via small bone flap craniotomy through lateral fissure approach for hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage during ultra - early period 超早期小骨窗外側裂入路顯微手術治療高血壓性基底節腦出血

Emphasis is also laid on the importance of properly positioning of the head and neck prior to any operation especially in craniotomy 我們更強調在任何手術開始前就要注意頭頸部的位置是否過度伸展或屈曲。

Methods to analyze the formation time of postoperative hematomas after craniotomy in our institute between january 2000 and june 2002 方法對63例開顱術后患者的所在部位、發生時間等資料進行分析、總結。

Comparison of the therapeutic effect between open craniotomy and aspiration by drilling cranium for basal ganglia hemorrhage in 136 cases 136例基底節腦出血開顱手術與鉆顱抽吸治療的療效比較

The clinical evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen supplementary therapy in the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury after craniotomy 重型顱腦損傷患者術后行高壓氧輔助治療的療效觀察

In this way , expense of a gamma knife brain surgery is almost as same as that of a conventional craniotomy 因此,頭部伽瑪刀治療的費用同開顱手術的綜合費用相比并不相差太多。

Surgical decompression with standard large craniotomy on the patients with severe craniocerebral injury with brain hernia 標準大骨瓣減壓術治療重型顱腦損傷合并腦疝