
cranial adj.顱的;顱側的。


Resection of malignancies of the midface with anterior cranial base involvement may result in complex bone and soft tissue deficiencies 摘要中臉部并前顱底侵犯腫瘤切除后會留下復雜之骨骼和軟組織的缺損。

Week part includes 12 pairs of cranial nerve and nerve of 31 pairs of backbone outside , the week outside their composition is neurological 外周部分包括12對腦神經和31對脊神經,它們組成外周神經系統。

Giant cell arteritis occurs mainly in the cranial arteries , especially in the temporal area , and rarely in the coronary arteries 摘要大部分的巨細胞動脈炎都是發生在頭頸部的動脈,尤其是顯動脈。

Reconstruction of such defects should seal off the cranial cavity from the upper respiratory tract and provide structural support 重建這類缺損必須將顱內和呼吸道分開以及提供大腦的支撐。

Encephaloceles are recognized as cranial defects with herniated fluid filled or brain filled cysts 當存在顱骨缺損,伴有突出顱骨的充滿液體或腦組織的囊性結構時,可辨認腦膨出。

Repair of cranial defects with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and - tcp scaffold in rabbits 多孔生物活性陶瓷治療骨缺損附40例臨床應用報告

Any drunk , cardiovascular and cranial vascular disease person is declined with thanks for this game 患有心腦血管、精神等疾病者、酗酒者謝絕乘坐。

Use acupoint injection to treat 88 patients with protracted hiccup occurred after severe cranial injury 穴位注射治療重度顱腦損傷后頑固性呃逆88例

Standard specification for cranial traction tongs and halo external spinal immobilization devices 顱骨牽引鉗和暈輪外部脊椎固定裝置的標準規范

Techniques and clinical value of external 3d shaded - surface reconstruction of cranial ct angiography 血管造影仿真外視鏡成像技術與臨床價值

So it has good treatment effect to diabetic complication of cardio - cranial vascular disease 故對其并發的心腦血管疾病有著良好的治療效果。

Domestic methods of in vitro preservation of autologous skull flaps to repair cranial defects 國內自體顱骨瓣體外保存修復顱骨缺損概況

Post - cranial skeleton 顱后骨骼

Cranial nerve palsy 顱神經麻痹

Cranial and facial surgery 顱面手術

Analysis of failure of subhypothermic treatment on 17 cases of severe cranial injury 亞低溫治療重型顱腦損傷失敗17例分析

Material and method in the reconstruction of cranial bone defect with autograft bone 自體骨移植修補顱骨缺損的材料與方法

The initial mri scan failed to find anything significant in the cranial fossa 第一次核磁共振檢查顯示顱內無明顯病兆。

Guangdong 999 cranial hospital 浙江省人民醫院