
crandall n.(石工)小錘。


Also enjoying the show in denver . . . preston fluekiger , 5 , pulls away from abigail crandall , 3 , in the pedal tractor pull competition 在美國丹佛舉行的一場腳踏拖拉機比賽中, 5歲的佛魯金格超過了3歲的克蘭德爾。

On august 6th , the roof of the crandall canyon coal mine in huntington , utah , collapsed . six miners are trapped 八月六日,美國尤他州亨廷頓克蘭德爾峽谷煤礦的頂部坍塌。六位礦工被困其中。

Robert murray , the mine ' s owner , says that “ retreat mining ” was not being used in crandall canyon 礦主羅伯特默里說克蘭德爾峽谷煤礦并沒有采用這種“撤退式采礦”方法。