
cranberry n.【植物;植物學】酸果蔓(屬);大酸果蔓。

cranberry bush

Let me see . . . oh , the cranberry sauce ! it ' s easy , and normally no one cares about it 讓我想想… …啊,酸梅醬!容易做而且大家也不是很在意那東西!

Mix all ingredients in order in ordinary glass . add cranberry and orange juice to your liking 混合后入普通玻杯,依個人喜好加入曼越桔汁及橙汁。

Cranberries protect against urinary tract infections , but may also lower cholesterol levels 酸果蔓的果實可以防止尿道感染,也可以降低膽固醇。

Let me see . oh , the cranberry sauce ! it ' s easy , and normally no one cares about it 讓我想想啊,酸梅醬!容易做而且大家也不是很在意那東西!

These include turkey , sweet potatoes ( 1 ) , squash ( 2 ) , corn , cranberries and pumpkin pie 這些食物有:火雞,番薯,西葫蘆,玉米,草莓和南瓜派。

Trinny : it ' s made with peach 2 ) schnapps , vodka , and orange and cranberry juice 崔妮:這是用水蜜桃杜松子酒、伏特加,以及柳橙和小紅莓汁調成。

Dates , cranberries and red grapes have high concentrations of antioxidants , he said 棗子、蔓越?和紅葡萄的抗氧化劑含量很高,他說。

But it had a 9 million dollars surplus in cream berries ( cranberries ) 但是它有9百萬美元的越橘貿易盈余以及1500萬美元的甜土豆盈余。

What industry trends are likely to affect cranberry processing and how 何種產業趨勢較易影響蔓越莓之生產過程,并指出其如何影響?

What industry trends are likely to affect cranberry processing and how 什麼樣的產業傾向會影響到小紅莓的加工處理?會如何影響?

What industry trends are likely to affect cranberry processing and how 什么樣的產業傾向會影響到酸果的加工處理?會怎么影響?

This isn ' t even cranberry juice 這并非純越橘汁

Coconut rum , amaretto , cranberry juice , orange juice , and pineapple juice 椰奶朗姆酒,苦杏酒,紅莓汁橘汁,菠蘿汁

Cranberries may help prevent tooth decay and cavities , research suggests 研究指出,小紅莓可助防止蛀牙和蛀洞。

Fiesta cranberry , it ' s called . couldn ' t keep it in stock 這個系列名為“燦爛酸果紅” ,賣得很好,總是脫銷

They ' ve ruined the cranberry day 他們毀了我的酸梅日!

What happened with the cranberry sauce 酸梅醬怎么了?

A short distance from plimoth , you can visit cranberry world 你可以參觀離普利茅斯不遠的“蔓越橘世界” 。

Can l get a cranberry juice , please 請給我一杯酸果汽水