
cramp n.1.夾子;扣釘;爬釘 (=cramp iron)。2...


“ possible side effects : headaches , stomach cramping “ - “可能引起的副作用:頭疼,胃痙攣

All these difficulties cramped his progress 所有這些困難阻礙了他的進步。

“ everywhere . i feel cramps over my whole body . “渾身都難受,我覺得全身都在痙攣。 ”

They cramped the livestock in the ancient barns 他們把牲畜關在老谷倉里。

- what ' s wrong ? did you just get cramps ? - yeah -怎么了,你肚子痛嗎? -是的

We ' re a bit cramped for space in this attic 在這間閣樓里我們有點活動不開

Not being able to drive his car cramps his style 不能開車限制了他的才能。

Come on that apartment was tiny cramped and noisy 少來了,那個公寓那么小,而且很吵

Brian : it ' s so cramped , how do you live here 布萊恩:很狹窄啊,你怎么可以住在這兒?

Having to take care of his brother cramps his style 必須照顧他弟弟限制了他的才能。

Now , go on . you ' re cramping our style 好了,走開吧和你在一起有損我們的形象

I hope you ' re not gonna feel too cramped up here 我希望你不會覺得這里太狹促

Lt ' s their problem . they ' ll be more cramped 那是他們的問題,他們更加捉摸不透

I have the cramps . i have to - - i have to go to the bathroom 我有經痛我要去洗手間

I ve got a cramp in my neck and get dizzy so easily 我經常脖子抽筋,還很容易頭暈

Yeah . yeah . well , i don ' t want to cramp you here 對,對,我也不想把你限制在這里

This loss of sodium can cause dehydration and cramping 鈉流失會造成脫水和抽筋。

Really ? you gonna tell me you got cramps , too 真的嗎?那你要告訴我你也有痙攣

I have the cramps . i have to - i have to go to the bathroom 我有經痛我要去洗手間