
cram n.克拉姆〔姓氏〕。

cram school

This box is crammed with christmas gifts 這個盒子里塞滿了圣誕禮物。

“ and crammed 11 cookies into the vcr 還把11塊餅干塞到攝像機里面去了

It isn ' t wise to cram too much furniture in the room 在房間里塞滿太多的家具是不明智的。

Cram your head with facts . memorize the newspaper 使勁多記點東西還有背一些報紙上的東西

I don ' t want to cram pimpage . and after that . . 我不想這么干-之后… …

He crammed all his clothes into the trunk 他把他所有的衣服硬塞進皮箱。

The hall was crammed with many people standing 這大廳里擠滿了站著的人。

I ' ve got to cram for a test tomorrow 為了明天的考試,我得背多少東西呀!

The nobel prize in chemistry : donald j . cram 諾貝爾化學獎-斜紋布一瑪麗萊恩

He crammed as much candy into his pockets as they would hold 他把口袋都塞滿了糖果。

Several hundred students crammed into the lecture hall 幾百個學生涌入講堂。

“ how nicely we are crammed in ! “ cried lydia “我們這樣擠在一起,多夠勁! ”

I ' ve got to cram for tomorrow ' s history exam 我得為了明天的歷史考試而苦讀。

I ' ve got to cram for tomorrow ' s english exam 我得為了明天的英文考試而苦讀。

I have to cram up six subjects for my examinations 為了考試我得刻苦復習6門課程。

Melinda : you still have some time to cram 梅林達:你還有一些時間來突擊突擊。

I have to cram all night for tomorrow ' s exams 為了明天的考試,我得熬夜臨陣磨槍。

I don ' t think going to cram school is the only way 我認為補習不是唯一的方法。

I ' ve got to cram for tomorrow ' s geography exam 我得為了明天的地理考試而苦讀。