
crake n.【鳥類】秧雞,秧雞的叫聲。vi.(秧雞等)叫。


Austrian rudolf reitheiger , who beat mr crake in this year ' s empire state building race , came second in the men ' s competition . mr crake and ms mayr missed out the 30 , 000 on offer for completing the gruelling race in under 10 or 12 minutes respectively 克勒克和梅耶如果各自能夠在10秒和12秒內完成這項令人精疲力竭的比賽的話,就能獲得3萬美元獎金,遺憾的是他們都與其失之交臂。

Mr crake and ms mayr missed out the $ 30 , 000 on offer for completing the gruelling race in under 10 or 12 minutes respectively 克勒克和梅耶如果各自能夠在10秒和12秒內完成這項令人精疲力竭的比賽的話,就能獲得3萬美元獎金,遺憾的是他們都與其失之交臂。

Paul crake , 30 , ran up 91 floors containing 2 , 046 steps in 10 minutes , 29 seconds 現年30歲的保羅?克勒克在10分29秒內爬完了91層樓、總共1026級臺階。

Paul crake , 30 , ran up 91 floors containing 2 , 046 steps in 10 minutes , 29 seconds 現年30歲的保羅克勒克在10分29秒內爬完了91層樓總共1026級臺階。