
craggy adj.多巖石的,嵯峨的,崎嶇的。n.-giness


Caption : : on 2002 , after more than three years of inactivity , the hubble space telescope near infrared camera and multi - object spectrometer ( nicmos ) has reopened its “ near - infrared eyes “ on the universe , snapping several breathtaking views , from the craggy interior of a star - forming cloud to a revealing look at the heart of an edge - on galaxy 哈勃太空望遠鏡的紅外線眼睛近紅外線相機及多重天體光譜儀,終于重新運作,利用紅外線波段,我們能夠看到不少人類肉眼看不到的東西,如躲在塵后的星光。

Farther off were hills : not so lofty as those round lowood , nor so craggy , nor so like barriers of separation from the living world ; but yet quiet and lonely hills enough , and seeming to embrace thornfield with a seclusion i had not expected to find existent so near the stirring locality of millcote 更遠的地方是小山。不像羅沃德四周的山那么高聳,那么峻峭,也不像它們那么是一道與世隔絕的屏障。但這些山十分幽靜,擁抱著桑菲爾德,給它帶來了一種我不曾料到在鬧鬧嚷嚷的米爾科特地區會有的清靜。

Floating on with closed eyes and muffled ears , you neither see the rocks bristling not far off in the bed of the flood , nor hear the breakers boil at their base . but i tell you - and you may mark my words - you will come some day to a craggy pass in the channel , where the whole of life s stream will be broken up into whirl and tumult , foam and noise : either you will be dashed to atoms on crag points , or lifted up and borne on by some master - wave into a calmer current - as i am now 你閉著眼睛,塞住了耳朵,隨波逐流,你既沒有看到不遠的地方漲了潮的河床上礁石林立,也沒有聽到浪濤在礁石底部翻騰,但我告訴你你仔細聽著某一天你會來到河道中巖石嶙峋的關隘,這里,你整個生命的河流會被撞得粉碎,成了漩渦和騷動,泡沫和喧嘩,你不是在巖石尖上沖得粉身碎骨,就是被某些大浪掀起來,匯入更平靜的河流,就像我現在一樣。

Their number was formidable , now that he had begun to fear , and yet these names , powerful though they were , had often caused him to smile with the same kind of satisfaction experienced by a traveller who from the summit of a mountain beholds at his feet the craggy eminences , the almost impassable paths , and the fearful chasms , through which he has so perilously climbed 他們的數目現在已達到驚人的地步,他開始有點害怕起來,但這些名字雖然曾經顯赫一時,卻也常常使他滿意地微笑,象是一個旅客在到達頂峰以后,回頭俯視腳下那些曾讓他驚恐萬狀的嵯峨的峰巒可怕的巖崖以及幾乎無法通過的狹徑。

The increase of brand credit degree can change the demand curve , because it will not only decrease the choice cost effectively and make the demand curve move to the right , but also lessen demand elasticity to make the demand curve craggy 引入品牌后,品牌信用度的提高使得需求曲線發生變化,一方面在其他條件不變的情況下,品牌信用度的提高將有效地降低消費者的選擇成本,消費者“趨利避害”的本性使得在任意價格下需求量增加,需求曲線右移;另一方面品牌信用度的提高使得品牌商品的需求彈性變小,需求曲線變陡峭。

From the standpoint of the whales who know a little patch of the western north atlantic called stellwagen bank , the place might be regarded as pleasing because of its natural beauty : a craggy sea floor topped with a magnificent column of sparkling clear water loaded with small creatures 佛羅里達小群島礁石群的減少與過量的有毒物品,滯留的殘渣以及化學物質有很大的關系,所有的這些都是由陸地流入的。

Three miles below town the ferryboat stopped at the mouth of a woody hollow and tied up . the crowd swarmed ashore and soon the forest distances and craggy heights echoed far and near with shoutings and laughter 他們一窩蜂地涌上岸,不久樹林中,高崖處到處都回蕩著孩子們的歡歌笑語,什么能讓他們汗流浹背,精疲力盡,他們就玩什么。

A school of zebrafish races through sea grass off the craggy coast of st . pierre island , one of 115 islands that make up the seychelles 意譯:斑馬魚,塞舌爾, 1998年。一群斑馬魚像賽跑似的通過海草遠離那多峭壁的海岸皮埃爾島,總共有115個島嶼構成塞舌爾。

Even the snaggy craggy oak - trees put out the softest young leaves , spreading thin , brown little wings like young bat - wings in the light 甚至倔強嶙峋的橡樹,也發著最柔媚的嫩葉,伸展著纖纖的褐色的小枝翅,好象是些向陽的蝙蝠的翅翼。

Draped in purple heather and towering over the sea , these craggy mountains are home to lakes , rivers , forests , and ruined castles 書中的湖泊、河流、森林和城堡的殘桓,都源自于大海上升騰的紫色霧氣以及陡峭的山壁。

On the far side of the open stood one of the hills , with two quaint , craggy peaks , shining vividly in the sun 在這片開闊地帶的遠處,矗立著一座雙峰小山,它的兩個嶙峋的峰頂在陽光下閃閃發光。

Craggy mountains , dark forests and roiling mists are perfect for a shadow lord ' s rituals and meditations 崎嶇的山脈,黑暗的森林還有渾濁的薄霧正適合陰影議員的典禮和冥想。

Its people are hearty ; its terrain can be craggy and daunting , or softly pacifying 它的人民是熱誠的;它的地形可能是崎嶇嚇人的,或者說是軟軟地讓人感到撫慰。

Gunmetal sheen of sundown bathes craggy terrain where the rio grande cuts a tortuous path 崎嶇的山體被蜿蜒的里約格蘭地河切斷,在夕陽下呈現出暗灰色光澤。

Extraordinary rocks , craggy cliffs , secluded caves , and red leaves are the four features of this base 峭壁、幽洞、紅葉、懸空建筑是景區的四大特色。

Period age of mammals . the north slope is precipitous with craggy and bare giant rocks 該山北坡陡峭,基巖裸露,巨石狼籍。

You predicted i would get involved with a craggy , middle - aged man 你預言我會和一個表情冷峻的中年男子有感情糾葛

With a craggy , middle - aged man 中年男人,有一段感情糾葛

Sitting in an office with a craggy , middle - aged man . . 和一個表情冷峻的中年男子一起