
crag n.巖崖,砏崖;巖石碎塊。 crag and tail ...


Beside the crag the heath was very deep : when i lay down my feet were buried in it ; rising high on each side , it left only a narrow space for the night - air to invade 巖石旁邊,歐石南長得很高。我一躺下,雙腳便陷了進去,兩邊的石楠高高堅起,只留下很窄的一塊地方要受夜氣侵襲。

This bed is the fairy cave under peniston crag , and you are gathering elf - bolts to hurt our heifers ; pretending , while i am near , that they are only locks of wool 這張床是盤尼斯吞巖底下的仙洞,你正在收集小鬼用的石鏃來傷害我們的小牝牛當我靠近時,就假裝這些是羊毛。

On in that the night unable to go to sleep , xu benyu has made a most important decision in the life to return to the maochang town dog crag village to help these children 就在那個無法入眠的夜晚,徐本禹作出了一生中最重要的一個決定:回到貓場鎮狗吊巖村幫助那些孩子。

They will flee to caverns in the rocks and to the overhanging crags from dread of the lord and the splendor of his majesty , when he rises to shake the earth 21到耶和華興起使地大震動的時候,人好進入磐石洞中,和巖石穴里,躲避耶和華的驚嚇,和他威嚴的榮光。

The crags lie about a mile and a half beyond mr heathcliff s place , and that is four from the grange , so i began to fear night would fall ere i could reach them 山巖距離希刺克厲夫的住處一哩半,離田莊倒有四哩,所以我開始擔心我到那兒之前,夜晚就要降臨了。

At every step that edmond took he disturbed the lizards glittering with the hues of the emerald ; afar off he saw the wild goats bounding from crag to crag 愛德蒙每走一步,總要驚跑幾只象綠寶石一樣閃閃發光的蜥蜴。他看到野山羊在遠處的巖上跳來跳去。

The red cap of one of the sailors hung to a point of the rock and some timbers that had formed part of the vessel s keel , floated at the foot of the crag 巖石尖上正掛著一頂水手的紅帽子,巖的腳下漂浮著一塊風帆船骨的碎片。唐太斯頓時拿定了主意。

Rising abruptly from gentle hill country , the spires and crags of the pinnacles formation are remains of a volcanic mountain formed some 200 miles to the south 。百萬年前,這本是一片熾熱的火山,如今是蔓延一百九十五英里死火山的一部分。

In an unfamiliar climbing area , take extra care when locating crags , backtracking if necessary , or asking locals for approach beta 在不熟悉的區域,要更加小心確認自己的位置,必要時多詢問當地的攀巖者,或者是退回原處重新找路。

The rider from the chateau , and the horse in a foam , clattered away through the village , and galloped up the stony steep , to the prison on the crag 從宅邸來的騎馬人和噴著白沫的馬穿過村莊嗒嗒嗒沖上石梯來到峭壁上的監牢門前。

Although the temples have fallen , the rocky crags of parnassus still tower over delphi , and cascading waters still rush to the sea 雖然神廟已經倒塌,但帕納塞斯山的巖石峭壁仍然矗立在德爾斐城,奔騰不息的河水依然沖向大海。

The bar silver is in the north cache ; you can find it by the trend of the east hummock , ten fathoms south of the black crag with the face on it 銀條在北部的藏所,你可以在東邊小圓丘的斜坡下找到它,正對著黑屋南十英尋處。

Who inflame yourselves among the oaks , under every luxuriant tree , who slaughter the children in the ravines , under the clefts of the crags 賽57 : 5你們在橡樹中間、在各青翠樹下欲火攻心在山谷間、在石穴下殺了兒女。

Now i start at the left edge of the crag and work my way right looking for a pump because there ' s no mental challenge to be had 現在我開始從裂縫的左側向右側爬,是因為胳膊發脹沒勁兒,但是已經沒有意志上的挑戰了。

So saul took three thousand chosen men from all israel and set out to look for david and his men near the crags of the wild goats 2掃羅就從以色列人中挑選三千精兵、率領他們往野羊的磐石去、尋索大衛和跟隨他的人。

Famed for its limestone crags and deep caves , guilin has been an inspiration to chinese poets and artists throughout the centuries 天幕式透明頂使整個大廳融于自然光線之中。飯店擁有各類豪華套房標準客房430間。

You burn with lust among the oaks and under every spreading tree ; you sacrifice your children in the ravines and under the overhanging crags 5你們在橡樹中間,在各青翠樹下欲火攻心。在山谷間,在石穴下殺了兒女。

“ leave the cities and dwell among the crags , o inhabitants of moab , and be like a dove that nests beyond the mouth of the chasm 耶48 : 28摩押的居民哪、要離開城邑、住在山崖里、像鴿子在深淵口上搭窩。

I want an apartment with two bedrooms and a kitchen . 771 . along the northern coast of this continent , there are many crags 我想要一套有兩間臥室和一個廚房的公寓。沿該大陸的北海岸線上有許多峭壁。