
craftsman n.手藝人,工匠,名匠。n.-ship (工匠的)技術,...


By craftsmen / artisan who prefer for the sharpening hard surface 主要是為了削尖堅硬的表面,工藝師和工匠都喜歡采用的工藝工具。

You can ' t expect an apprentice to have the same dexterity as a master craftsman 你不能期望一個學徒做得象卓越的技工一樣靈活。

Craftsman and artist 藝人與藝術家

So latin school would be best . - he ' ll also make a good craftsman 所以拉丁學校應該是最好的選擇. -他也可以成為一個好的工匠

Wang guangying interviews yao jianping and writes down “ skillful craftsman “ for her 王光英接見姚建萍并為其題詞“能工巧匠”

1978 contemporary craftsman show , national museum of modern art , kyoto 1978年京都國家現代藝術博物館,當代工藝美術家作品展

You can find the spirit of craftsman in villas nowhere but in tiny area 別墅的工匠精神,不在別處,只是細微中潤澤衍生。

It argues that the craftsmen ' s labour is not just a way of labour at all 本文指出,工匠勞動不僅僅只是一種勞動形式。

1982 selected into british crafts council index : craftsmen of quality 1982年,入選英國手工藝理事會名錄優秀手工藝者

Who knows how much painstaking effort the skillful craftsmen made 誰能知道有多少個能工巧匠的心血與智慧在此匯聚?

Government electrical & mechanical works supervisors , craftsmen & workmen association 政府機電監工技工職員協會

He and his kind will be put to shame ; craftsmen are nothing but men 11看哪,他的同伴都必羞愧,工匠也不過是人。

My grandfather learnt shoe - making as an apprentice to a master craftsman 我祖父跟一位大師傅當學徒,學會了制鞋。

Civilian craftsmen in the yuan dynasty 元代的民匠

Probably , i have been driven crazy by this long lost craftsman ' s spirit 可能,這種久違的工匠精神,令人著迷。

It is possible that there may be a place for craftsmen on the battlefield 工匠們同樣也可以在戰場上有個位置。

Peter is a famous craftsman 彼得是一個著名的工匠。

Government electrical mechanical works supervisors , craftsmen workmen association 政府機電監工技工職員協會

A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated 每位工匠都會高興地聽到自己地作品被人夸獎的