
craftily adv.狡猾地,詭計多端地。


It was a smile that had in it something both of pain and weakness - a haggard , old man s smile ; but there was , besides that , a grain of derision , a shadow of treachery , in his expression as he craftily watched , and watched , and watched me at my work 這是一個糟老頭子的微笑,一定程度上顯現出他的痛苦和衰竭但是,除此之外,他的微笑總給人一種冷嘲熱諷的感覺,好像有些圖謀不軌。他始終盯著我的一舉一動,以一種狡詐的目光向我注視著注視著注視著。

Whether the witch had read the minister s thoughts , or no , she came to a full stop , looked shrewdly into his face , smiled craftily , and - though little given to converse with clergymen - began a 不管那妖婆是否看出了牧師的想法,反正她一下子停住了腳步,機靈地盯著他的面孔,狡詰地微笑著,并且開始同她從不打交道的牧師攀談了起來。

Every fine straight line in the clear whiteness of his face , was cruelly , craftily , and closely compressed , while he stood looking quietly at his nephew , with his snuff - box in his hand 他那白皙的臉上每一根細直的皺紋都殘忍地狡猾地緊緊地皺到了一起。他一聲不響地站著,望著他的侄子,手上捏著鼻煙盒。

The camouflage is so craftily executed and created by the inner self that you must , by necessity , focus your attention on the physical reality which has been created 內我所創制的偽裝是如此巧妙,以至你們必須必然地將你們的注意力集中于被創造出來的物質現實。

“ let everyone be on guard against his neighbor , and do not trust any brother ; because every brother deals craftily , and every neighbor goes about as a slanderer 耶9 : 4你們各人當謹防鄰舍、不可信靠弟兄因為弟兄盡行欺騙、鄰舍都往來讒謗人。

Acts 7 : 19 this one dealt craftily with our race and mistreated our fathers , so that they threw out their babies in order that they would not be kept alive 徒七19他用詭計待我們的宗族,苦害我們的祖宗,叫他們丟棄嬰孩,使嬰孩不能存活。

“ if , however , a man acts presumptuously toward his neighbor , so as to kill him craftily , you are to take him even from my altar , that he may die 出21 : 14人若任意用詭計殺了他的鄰舍、就是逃到我的壇那里、也當捉去把他治死。

This one dealt craftily with our race and mistreated our fathers , so that they threw out their babies in order that they would not be kept alive 19他用詭計待我們的宗族,苦害我們的祖宗,叫他們丟棄嬰孩,使嬰孩不能存活。

“ there was a secret panel in this house , “ she said craftily , not telling the truth but wishing that she were “這幢房子有塊秘密的護墻板, ”她別有心計地說,明知在胡編亂造,卻希望自己是在說真話。

Strengthen basic training of calculation , get the kids to grasp the radical calculating ability craftily 加強計算基本訓練,通過分、小、百互化口算的練習,使學生熟練地掌握基本的計算技能。

The pure gold metal is craftily set on the silver metal and could be easily taken off 純金紀念片,巧妙的鑲嵌在銀牌上,整個紀念牌構思巧妙。