
cradle n.1.搖籃。2.嬰兒時代;(文化等的)發源地。3.(雕...


When the wind bl0ws , the cradle will r0ck 風兒輕輕吹著搖籃也輕輕搖動

Individual dumbbell cradles improve safety -個別獨立儲存位置,安全可靠。

Greece was the cradle of western civilization 希臘是西方文明的策源地。

Do you want to see the cradle of life or not 你到底想不想看生命的搖籃

Greece was the cradle of western civilization 希臘是西方文明的發源地。

Uncoiler series - double end coil cradle with motor 材料架系列-雙頭材料架

And he put his arms around me , he cradled me . . 他用胳膊環繞著我,摟著我

What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave 嬰孩時期學到的東西,老死不會忘記。

The cradle of life , where we , life , began 而我們,生命,就是在那里起源的

They settled in the cradle of human civilization . . 它們在人類文明的發緣地定居了下來

Plain and the cradle of chinese culture 美索不達米亞平原和中華民族的搖籃

The yellow river is the civilized cradle of china 黃河是中國文明的搖籃。

The wild goose hill is the “ cradle of the yandang mountain “ 有“雁蕩搖籃”之美說。

Use a cylinder cage or cradle to lift a cylinder 使用鋼瓶升降機升起鋼瓶。

They settled in the cradle of human civilization 它們在人類文明的發緣地定居了下來

What is learned in the cradle is carried to the gr * e 幼年學的,終生不忘。

The sea is thought to have been the cradle of life 人們認為海洋曾經是生命的發源地。

The icon changes to show the emulator is cradled 圖標更改,顯示仿真程序已插入底座。

The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle 母親搖動搖籃使嬰兒入睡