
crackpot n.,adj.〔美俚〕瘋子,怪人;想入非非的,不切實際的...


As the number of people reachable by e - mail has expanded , the lure of reaching large numbers of people for free has become irresistible to marketers , hucksters , crackpots , and anyone who just wants some extra attention 隨著使用因特網人數的增加(自因特網建立以來,人數一直在增長) ,對于商人、小販、想入非非者以及蓄意破壞者而言,可以無償地聯系到數目巨大的各類人的誘惑力變得難以抵擋。

Park said he ignores his girlfriend , 44 , and daughter , 20 , when they call him a “ crackpot “ . though he estimates he ' s spent a fortune celebrating christmas every day , park says he is suffering no signs of yuletide fatigue 帕克說, 12年來,他總共吃掉了4000多只烤雞,喝完了4000多瓶雪利酒12年間,無論是下館子還是到朋友家串門,只要條件允許,他都會要求吃圣誕餐。

Lincoln was killed by a crackpot actor named john wilkes booth who used a small pocket pistol known as a “ derringer ” for the deed 林肯被一個想入非非的演員殺害,他名叫約翰?威爾克斯?布斯,行動時使用了一把叫做“德林格”的小手槍。

Maybe it ' s jealousy or jaded cynicism , but show us a person who ' s always cheerful , and we ' ll show you a medicated crackpot 也許是嫉妒得心理,你是否可以找出像她這樣天天都很開心得人嗎?

Vernon dersley : i will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks 弗農?德思禮:休想花我一分錢,讓個瘋癲老傻瓜來教他變魔術。

Only a crackpot would undertake the task of becoming a man of knowledge of his own accord 只有瘋子才會心甘情愿地承擔成為一個智者的責任。

Speak your mind and fear less the label of “ crackpot “ than the stigma of conformity 說出你的思想, “人云亦云”比“想入非非”更加恥辱。

To all of my crackpot friends , have a great day and remember to smell the flowers 致我的身殘的朋友們:快樂一天,記得去聞那花香!

Wouldn ' t you be drinking if you lost a bundle on some crackpot . . 如果你把成名和發財的希望寄托到了. .

Wouldn ' t you be drinking if you iost a bundle on some crackpot . . 如果你把成名和發財的希望寄托到了. .

Wouldn ' t you be drinking if you lost a bundle on some crackpot 如果你把成名和發財的希望寄托到了

Wouldn ' t you be drinking if you iost a bundle on some crackpot 如果你把成名和發財的希望寄托到了

He was prone to dismiss himself as “ that well - known crackpot “ 他常自嘲為“那個著名的怪人” 。

That crackpot thinks his neighbors are aliens 那位瘋子認為他的鄰居是外星人。

As operating devices, perpetual-motion machines are the province of crackpot science and science fiction . 作為工作裝置來看,永動機屬于科學空想和科學上的杜撰。

It was heresy of crackpots and wild men and it was really just an infantilism . 那是狂想家和過激分子的異端邪說的產物,實在不過是幼稚病而已。

They called him a crackpot . 他們呼他為狂徒。

That's not the way to do it, you crackpot . 不是那樣做的蠢材。